Who will you vote for?

“Business as usual” won’t transform our city to be a low-carbon, sustainable one. Nor will “business as usual” voting!

So dig in to the details and find out who is actually going to lead us out of our climate emergency. Council and even the local board are critical to implementing a good plan; moves from central government will filter through in the medium term but this steady march towards climate catastrophe requires some immediate action which only Council can take.

Here are four sources of information about the candidates in our local area based on answers given to questionnaires.

Transition Town Pt Chevalier

Generation Zero

Bike Pt Chevalier

The Spinoff

Happy voting!

Stop Killing our Children

Created by The Environmental Transport Association (ETA)

Stop Killing our Children examines how road danger damages us all, whatever our age and however we travel, and questions our collective blindness to both its cause and remedy. The 40-minute, crowdfunded film is narrated by the BBC’s John Simpson and features interviews with Chris Boardman, Dr Rachel Aldred, Dr Ian Walker, George Monbiot and the founders of the Stop de Kindermoord movement amongst others. Please help turn the tide against road danger. Please share this film.
Email us at news@eta.co.uk