The Climate Action Plan is something TT has talked/emailed each other about a few times…
In case you’ve missed the conversations, Council has had an Ideas Hub website, done in a sort of ‘gaming’ style – where Council poses challenges and questions, and residents answer with ideas. It’s all about canvassing climate solution ideas they can consider in writing the Climate Action Plan.
Some groups, like Generation Zero, managed to get organised five months ago. We’ve talked about it but haven’t got there yet. I’ve just rounded up the Greater Auckland team to put some on a few days ago.
This issue is the reason we exist as a group.
If you think this could be a good way to further the community discussion around the changes needed, how about scrolling through the ideas and voting for what you like? If you’ve got an idea that you can’t find anyone else has suggested, that’d be really good to add in. Tips: you need to set yourself up with a profile before you can vote or add ideas. And in each section, the default setting seems to be “oldest first” – once you’ve read through them, you’ll probably want to reset that to “newest first” so you can see the new ideas.