Spring means the garden is bursting into life with new growth and blossoms everywhere.
We now have a covid tracker ap poster by the seed house, pls scan in when you arrive.
We have 3 sessions this week, if you’d like to come along you need to book in as we’re limited to 10 people per session.
- Weds 9th Sept 9.30 – 12.30 gardening and compost
- Weds 9th Sept 12.30 – 1.30 Compost Collective talk DIY bokashi with Judy Keats, it’s free but you need to register here, there are only 3 spaces left: https://compostcollective.org.nz/events/bokashi-diy-talk-pt-chev/?doing_wp_cron=1599469425.9018371105194091796875
- Friday 11th Sept 9.30 – 11.30 composting