National Postcard Campaign for Emission Reduction

20 May to 20 June 2022

The Government’s Emission Reduction Plan comes out in May 2022 – the first opportunity we’ve had to see and comment on the targets for carbon emission reduction, in three steps to 2035.

This is a crucial stage in Aotearoa’s commitment to play its part in keeping the temperature rise to 1.5C degrees. But there is a real risk that MPs will be distracted by other urgent business, and underestimate the importance of urgent, decisive action now. If we do not seize this opportunity, we and future generations will have to live with the consequences. Please act now, in this old-fashioned but highly effective way, to ensure that our MPs get the message loud and clear, and feel supported to act urgently for a better future.

The National Campaign for Emission Reduction is reaching out to all Climate Aware people in Aotearoa, and asking you to send Postcards of Support to your local MP, Ministers and List MPs during the period from 20th May to 20th June.

Postcards will be seen as representing a greater level of effort than just signing a petition – they will load up the MPs’ in-trays with support, and the best ones will go up on their walls!

The MPs in all political parties need to support the Emission Reduction Plan, and to collaborate and move with urgency to meet the targets for our country to play its part in the global effort to keep Planet Earth liveable.

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