Transition Towns Bay of Islands


Moving to renewable energy, sustainability, community support.....and the list goes on. Come on in, meet new people, and find out all the fun ways of helping make the Bay Of Islands an even more amazing place to live. Enjoy!

"We are mindful communities held together by what we create in connection with nature."

Our fundamental choice is to be a potent creative force in our own lives.

We value:

Connection with others, with the seasons and weather, of spirit and soul

Participation in the creative process

Good governance and administration

Nature- its abundance, diversity and spiritual essence

Human Intelligence - our capacity for self-determination and responsibility, research, reflection, discovery, invention, skillfulness and craftsmanship

Ceremony in acknowledgement and celebration


Beauty and the Arts


Qualities we encourage:

wholeness, creativity, mindfulness, empathy, peacefulness, interdependence, living beyond fear, reverence.


Actions we encourage:

listening, sharing, stillness, showing gratitude, meditation, communication, trust in provision.


We meet:

Regularly at St John's Hall, Kerikeri road, for discussion and movie screenings. Email to sign up to our events' newsetter.