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Motueka has the following sub groups:
Biocapacity, Business & Economics, Creations, Education, Energy, Food, Government Liasons, Heart & Soul, Transport.
They also have a list of events
About Motueka
updated 02 Feb 2010Welcome to Transition Towns Motueka!
Transition Towns Motueka is moving towards a lower energy lifestyle by re-localising our community, making it resilient and truly sustainable. The community already has many projects underway, like a community lending program, a local Sunday market, and a program to install gardens in several local households. People are launching even more projects, workshops, skills sharing, and celebrations.
There are several working groups in areas such as food, transport, economics and business, etc. networking within the community. Click the links at the top of the page to get the latest events and news for each topic. These groups are working on ideas in more detail allowing everyone to gather information and participate in coming up with solutions. The outcome of these groups will ultimately form the backbone of Motueka's Energy Decent Action Plan (EDAP). We are also coordinating with Transition Nelson and Transition Town Mapua to create a cohesive Nelson-Tasman approach within our region. Progress and contacts will be posted on this site. Feel free to join in!
Looking for someone to keep the webpage up to date! I am willing to show anyone or group of people how to do it. Or look at the tutorials under the resources tab at the top of the page. There has been a lot going on, really.
TTM Continued Momentum Gathering Meeting: Wednesday, 17 February at 7:30 at the Pauls' house at Riverside Community.
TTM Continued Momentum Gathering Meeting: Wednesday, 04 November at 6:30 at Eden Villa, 334 High Street.
Parihaka Day performance at Riverside Community Hall Thursday, 05 November at 7pm. Performance followed by food and music.
Natural Health and Wellbeing workshop with Nadia Kaye at Riverside; Saturday, 14 November; contact verena asap: 03 5267033, ext. 19.
Scything workshop at Atamai Village; Thursday, 19 November (two sessions); Tutor: Christoff Schneider, trained with Austrian Scythe Association Scythe equipment available for use and purchase on the day; Cost: $60; Contact joanna.SantaBarbara@sustainablevillages.co.nz; Registration is essential, due to the number limit.
Ecological Building Workshop; Saturday and Sunday 21, 22 November; a practic ally applicable workshop, which includes site selection, passive solar design, retrofit for energy efficiency & cost saving, different (hands-on) earth building methods, more... ; Main Tutors: Tanja & Florian Pauls, Robina McCurdy Cost: $100 - $150 (income-based sliding scale); Enquiries & Registration: Tanja Pauls: abundantnz@yahoo.co.nz Ph 03 5267466; *This workshop is part of Riverside's 'Tending our Living Earth' Permaculture series.
Invisible Structures - Sustainable Social Design workshop at Riverside Community; Saturday, Sunday 5, 6 December;Tutor: Robina McCurdy Cost: $100 - $150 (income-based sliding scale); Enquiries & Registration: Tanja Pauls: abundantnz@yahoo.co.nz Ph 03 5267466; *This workshop is part of Riverside's 'Tending our Living Earth' Permaculture series.
Workshop: Developing Our Inner Resources in Challenging Times; Postponed, new date TBA from 9:30 - 4:30 at Riverside Community; Pre-register; $60.
If you have any queries or would like to be added to our database so we can keep you informed with developments and up coming events, contact Joanna Santa Barbara, e-mail: Joanna.SantaBarbara@sustinablevillages.co.nz, phone 03 528 0386.

Permaculture Design Course at Tui Community, Golden Bay - FEB 2017
Submitted by Earthcare Educa... on 11 September 2016 - 12:40pm | updated 11 Sep 2016 | EventLocation / Venue:
Tui Eventspark, Wainui, Golden Bay, South Island, New Zealand

Permaculture Design Course at Tui Community, Golden Bay - Feb 2016
Submitted by Earthcare Educa... on 10 September 2015 - 4:58am | EventThis course covers the standard two week international Permaculture Design Certificate curriculum, taught over an extended 3-week period in an integrated hands-on way, culminating in a comprehensive land-use design project. » Read more
Location / Venue:
Tui Community, RD1 Wainui, Golden Bay, South Island, New Zealand
The Arts of Scything and Peening
Submitted by Ecoshow on 10 March 2012 - 9:51am | EventHomeCoursesArt of Scything
Art of Scything
The Art of Scything
Replace your noisy, smelly lawn mower . » Read more
Location / Venue:
Nelson/ Motueka region- looking for a venue
TT Motueka Update Mar 14th 2010.
Dear TTMers,
1. The Fresh FM Transition Town Show is beginning again on Monday March 22nd, 5.10pm with an interview with Comunity Board member, Duncan Eddy on Local Democracy.
The show will be repeated on Saturday 6.40pm.
TT Motueka Update, 2010 Feb.17
Hello TTMers.
1.The main centre of TTM activity at the moment is in the Currency Working Group.
TALENTS on Valentines Day
Greetings all!
~ All Talents members are warmly invited to a 'romantic' pot luck lunch on Sunday 14th February 2010, at Motueka Community House, Deck's Reserve, from 12.30pm to 2.30pm. » Read more
Summary of Accomplishments of Transition Town Motueka 2008-9.
Ron Sharp and Joanna Santa Barbara got together in Autumn of 2008 to begin a Transition Intiative in Motueka, gathering around them a rapidly growing group of people interested in working in the same direction. Regular meetings began mid-year. Working groups began on a number of issues. Several large meetings were held, with much creative and visionary thinking. The following has been accomplished: » Read more
The Art of Scything
National Tour New Zealand
Replace your noisy, smelly lawn mower. Enjoy birdsongs, the smell of the grass, the satisfaction and have fun. » Read more
Natural Health and Wellbeing Workshop
kia ora everyone,
Nadia Kaye will come to Riverside and share her knowledge and wisdom with us. She has a great variety of useful tools in her toolbox and i can highly recommend this seminar to everyone who wants to take on responsibility for living a balanced and healthy life. from homoepathic remedies, herbal medicine, energy balancing techniques, to nutrition and emotional balancing, nadia offers a broad range of precious information we all can integrate into our daily lives.
» Read more
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