Get involved

There are a number of ways you might choose to get involved in Transition Towns

  • Come to one of our events - Events are happening all the time and can involve a wide range of things. Browse the calendar to get a hint of them (not everything that happens is listed on this web site), then contact your local group to see what they're cooking up!
  • Go along to a meeting - There are public meetings being held by TT groups all over the country, and most groups meet at least once a month. Go to the list of local groups, find the one closest to you and check out their page. They usually have at least a contact person listed there, but sometimes there will be upcoming and past events and local news there also. If no upcoming events are listed on the local group page, get in touch with the contact person and see what's happening - many active groups do not update this wiki often.
  • Online - this web site has a forum for discussions and blogs can be commented on (or write your own), as can local and international news. There is also a TT social networking site. Some local groups have their own web sites, and you can find links to them by looking in the local groups area. This web site is a wiki, so anyone can add to it. Watch some video tutorials if you are unsure how.
  • Read and Share - here are some more things you can do on this site, to learn and contribute.