Lower Hutt

TRANSITION TOWNS LOWER HUTT - Creating Local, Connected and Resilient Communities

Do you have an idea or project or would you like support in these uncertain times.  TTLH can help you every step of the way.

We have contacts with a large number of networks, groups and individuals doing amazing things in diverse areas such as:

TIMEBANKING (See our website https:www.facebook.com/TheHuttTimebank













If getting involved in a Sustainable lifestyle is what you are looking for then please feel free to contact us to chat about your ideas or questions.  We are very much looking forward to hearing from you.


Juanita McKenzie


Mobile 021422542



Pop-up Sustainable Living Centre
151 High St, Lower Hutt 
(Old Post Office Building)


Contact: Juanita McKenzie, Transition Town Lower Hutt
E: Juanita.mcknz@gmail.com

Living sustainably can help you:
• save money
• improve health and wellbeing
• connect with your local community
• protect your environment and resources

ALSO: Join us for friendship, conversation and great baking at Koha CafeBring food to share or enjoy what's there for a small donation Every Tuesday 10am - 2pm

Visit the Sustainable Living Centre (About Space project) and check out displays and workshops to help you live a more sustainable lifestyle.

Some of the displays you will find:


  • Transition Towns Lower Hutt
  • Hutt City Council
  • Hutt Valley Horticultural Society
  • Kete Kai Co-op
  • Common Unity Food forest
  • Affordable Green Homes
  • Take Care composting solutions
  • Lower Hutt Seed Bank
  • Living Economies bookstore
  • Heavenly Herbs
  • Koanga Gardens seeds
  • Upcycling Clothes and Furniture
  • Fairtrade home products


... and the list is growing, so check back here often for updates. If you'd like your project, business or organisation represented here, please get in touch with Juanita: Juanita.mcKnz@gmail.com.

Unlik Like us on Facebook for updates! Plus we have a Sustainable Living Centre Facebook Page too!



  • Nicole Foss Workshop - Building Reliience - Wed 3rd Dec, Sustainable Living Centre, 6pm-9pm. Bookings juanita.mcknz@gmail.com. $15
  • Local Money - Plugging the Leaks - Helen Dew of Living Economies offers a follow-up workshop to the Nicole Foss workshop. Sat 6th Dec,  Sustainable Living Centre, 10am-12noon. Bookings juanita.mcknz@gmail.com. Koha.
  • Granny Eileen: Back to Basics Breakfast - Thursday 4th Dec, Sustainable Living Centre, 10.30-11.30am. FREE. If you'd like to get some ideas of how to eat a more nutritious breakfast do come and join us. There'll be "tasters" of porridge, homemade bread, yoghurt, muesli, a smoothie & Bircher muesli. Recipe sheets to take home, too.
  • Free Employment Mentoring Sessions - Friday 5th Dec, Sustainable Living Centre, 151 High Street, 10.30am - 12.30pm, FREE. Linda Robson, Employment Mentor, will be at the Centre every Friday morning. If you would like to talk with her about your personal work/life development please 'drop in'.
  • Koha Cafe - Tue 9th Dec, 10am - 2pm.  Join us for yummy food and conversation.
  • Kirsten from Timebanking will be available to tell you more about skillsharing and the community benefits of timebanking on Tue 9th Dec from 10.30 - 11.30am.
  • Xmas Koha Cafe - Tue 16th Dec. 10am - 2pm. Xmas delicacies and friends.


SCALING UP TRANSITION... Website & Video: http://www.transitiontowns.org.nz/node/3839 Rob Hopkins (co-founder of Transition Towns movement) suggests five factors to help the Transition movement scale up in a way that's proportionate to the challenges of our time. These are:
  • Create a learning network
  • Support and resource core groups
  • Bring forward investment for Transition enterprises
  • Become better storytellers
  • Build an evidence base
For more read here: http://www.transitionnetwork.org/blogs/rob-hopkins/2014-01/5-factors-will-enable-transition-scale



Where: Travelling from Auckland to Dunedin
Interview on TV3: http://www.3news.co.nz/nznews/full-interview-a-spin-in-the-tesla-model-s-electric-car-2014112217
Press Release about the car & its features: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/motoring/news/article.cfm?c_id=9&objectid=11342136
Tesla Car Club Online Forum: http://www.teslamotorsclub.com/archive/index.php/t-35591.html

Our Electric Car enthusiast and Owner, Jay, reports that his friend Steve has just imported the first super fast Tesla into NZ. This is a huge luxury sedan and it's top speed is 250 km/hr!

Steve, who is into everything renewable, is currently driving the car from Auckland to Dunedin. In February he (and a convoy of other electric car owners) will be driving from Cape Reinga to Bluff. These trips will show just how easy it is to own and run an electric car. Did you know an electric car can be charged to 85% capacity in only 20 minutes at a charging station!?  Jay, Steve and crew hope these NZ trips will also encourage electric car infrastructure (charging stations) around the country.




Sustainable Living is a source of future living skills. They have a number of courses available online. Click on the link below for gardening courses (in pdf) on Urban Fruit Trees, Summer Pests, Make a No Dig Garden, Nutrient Recycling, Herb Spirals, &  Fruit Trees.

Download @: http://www.huttcity.govt.nz/en/Our-City/Sustainable-Hutt-City/What-you-can-do/Gardening--Biodiversity/

More Info: www.facebook.com/Futurelivingskills




19 June 11.30am-1.30pm Sustainable Coastlines Presentation training

19 June  5.30pm-7.30pm Sustainable Coastlines Event Managment Workshop

19 June 7.30pm-9pm Laurence Boomert: Creating Community Resilience - a public talk on how we can reconnect, revitalise and make our communities resilient using the best working models available.

23 June  7pm Matariki Potluck and opening of the Centre, including potluck dinner. The launch event of this great project with story, music and lovely food. We will provide some hot soup and cake, but ask to contribute to food if possible - and bring your plate and cutlery too. It will be a lovely evening, so don't stay at home!

26 June 7pm Living (and travelling) without money - Natale and Marielli from Brazil report their experiences of 13 months moneyless living - including ocean crossings!

27 June 7pm 10 Steps to Healthy Eating - Sarah Phillips will help you dodge the nasties in the supermarket for truly healthy deliciousness!

28 June 9.30am-11.30am Pop Up Nia Class and Introduction to Nia. Our first Transition Health Event - a holistic exercise class for every age and fitness level. Nia is the fun way to get into shape - forget Zumba and the likes!

28 June 12pm-2pm Community Singing workshop: always wanted to sing but think you  can't? - Everything is easier if you do it together! Come along to  learn some easy songs in a group, and have a great time!

28 June 2pm-4pm Introduction to Composting - if you always wanted to compost, but are not sure where to start - this 2 hour session will leave no questions unanswered! Worms, Bokashi, compost - come and make sense of it all!!

30 June, 10am How to grow and prepare your own food - Natalie Hormann, Hutt City Green Gardener gives an introduction to starting your own vegetable garden - and what to do with the produce!

1 July 10am-2pm Transition Koha Cafe - Come and have delicious food, fresh coffee, enjoy the space, meet new people - and all for a Koha only!

1 July 12pm-2pm Recycled Art for Children - guided activities in our kids zone with "Kreative Karyn"

2 July 7pm Silvia Zuur of Enspiral: The Business of Good: Social enterprise in New Zealand

3 July 10am: On your way to zero waste - how to recycle, compost, reuse absolutely everything!

3 July 7pm Sarah Teng: Fermented food - how to make Sauerkraut (and why it's good for you!)

4 July 12pm Kete Kai: Learn from the past to ensure our future workshop

5 July 11.30am Debbie ter Borg: Edible weeds workshop......Be amazed at how many common garden weeds can be great additions to your salad bowl or soup!  Learn how to make a wild weed "zesto" and a simple frying pan bread to go with it.... and be prepared to taste both!

7 July 10am: Saving water workshop

8 July 10am-2pm Transition Koha Cafe - Come and have delicious food, fresh coffee, enjoy the space, meet new people - and all for a Koha only!

9 July 7pm Natalie Hormann: Permaculture your mind, garden your soul. An  exploration into the permaculture principles as they relate to  us individually - and how they can help navigating our path through  uncertain times. If you are feeling stressed by too much bad news,  this workshop is for you!

10 July 10am: Getting around on the cheap - learn how to reduce your petrol costs by at least 20% by driving smarter, not faster!! Includes electric vehicle trial...

11 July 10-12md Dudley Arthouse - Turning Junk into Jewellery - Bring along any broken jewellery items, rusty washers,scrap/decorative paper or fabric, any small items like bottle tops, buttons,beer caps etc.  We will show you how you can recycle your old junk into new jewellery.

12 July 12pm How to make a great lip balm workshop - Using all natural ingrediants you will get to make and take away a your very own lip balm.

13 July 12pm-2pm Recycled Art for Children - guided activities in our kids zone with "Kreative Karyn."

14 July 10am: Shopping for green - learn how to choose products that are easy on your health and easy on the planet.

15 July 10am-2pm Transition Koha Cafe - Come and have delicious food, fresh coffee, enjoy the space, meet new people - and all for a Koha only!

15 July 1.15pm Mineral makeup presentation kd one has created a range of totally natural skincare and cosmetics, which are clinically effective and safe. Many people are increasingly getting concerned about parabens, petrochemicals and other synthetic ingredients and their effect on your health and the environment.  Beauty and nature together.

15 July 12pm-2pm Recycled Art for Children - guided activities in our kids zone with "Kreative Karyn."

16 July 10 -11 am Green Cleaning Workshop with the Sustainablilty Trust -Ever been baffled by the ingrediant list on the back of your dishwashing liquid? In this workshop you'll earn about what common household cleaning products contain,their effect on the environment and safer alternatives. You'll make your own laundry, dish washing powder or scourer out of easily accessible, affordable ingredients. Koha entry.

17 July 10am: Warm dry and healthy homes - learn what you can do to get your home warmer and drier and reduce ill health effects like asthma.

17 July 10-12md Cool Cans with Dudley Arthouse - Come along and help us turn drink cans into works of art. We will show how you can transform your coke can into a works of art and help us build an art installation for the public to enjoy and get inspired by recycling.  Bring along any ideas and garden/bamboo sticks or spare metal coat hangers you have lying around.

17 July 7pm: Double lecture Healthy Homes &Introduction to Earth Buildingwith well known Kapiti Eco Adviser Richard Morrison. PLEASE NOTE:  THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTOPNED. NEW DATE AND TIME TO BE CONFIRMED!

18 July 1pm: Learn how to make Milk Kefir and Caspian Sea Yoghurt with Sarah Teng

Do your tummy and wallet a favour and learn how simple it is make these probiotic-rich yoghurts at home. Milk kefir makes a tangy drinking yoghurt, and Caspian Seas Yoghurt is the world's easiest-setting yoghurt (no heating required!). Bring two jars to take home starters. For further information, contact Sarah@cultured.kiwi or check out facebook.

19 July 1.30pm Horticultural Society: How to grow all sorts of bulbs with Claude Poulsen - Vice President of the Hutt Valley Horticultural Society and Propagating: with Dianne Purdie, including:Growing from Seed, Stem Cuttings, Root Cutting, Leaf cuttings,Division of plants with crowns ( Herbaceous perennials) Layering for plants that are difficult to grow by cuttings. Also showing some photo's from southerly facing  Western Hill garden,

  • Granny Eileen's Budget Tips
  • Green Homes: Building affordable green homes with the latest innovations and international standards
  • Julia Milne / Natalie Hormann: How to start a community garden in Lower Hutt and make it a success! - Information on Council policy, council support and how to get your community to come on board
  • Helen Dew: Community Savings pools
  • Mary Willow: Holistic parenting in early childhood.
  • James Richardson: How resilient is our Wellington Region?
  • Chris Cameron, Hutt City Council: How Hutt City will navigate environmental challenges in the future.
  • Daryl Neal, EVLab: Introduction to electric vehicles: What are your options? How do they work? Where to get them...
  • Julia Milne: Creating Change where change is difficult
  • Enviro Childrens Holiday programme
  • Sarah Firth: EcoDesign Adviser: How to stay warm this winter