Wishing to support Transition Towns in Aotearoa

Wanting to invest in the future?

Who should you contact?

Transition Towns Aotearoa is a self-organising, self-funded network of self-responsible citizens. There is no central organisation which directs the activities of the network, and no bank account into which funds can be deposited for dispersment. Transition Towns in New Zealand has built it's work around this website, which has enabled people to tell their stories, share ideas, organise and inform one another.

If you like what you see and read on this site, and are moved to support the work of the many and varied individuals who are actively involved in relocalisation initiatives one option is to contact your local Transition Town initiative and engage in conversation with them.

Perhaps you would like to support the organisational development of the network, and help build on the influence Transition Towns has and could have in growing resilient communities in New Zealand. If so, please engage with the people who have been most active in supporting the movement at a national level to discuss your ideas.

James Samuel

Natalie Hormann