Motueka Business & Economics Group

Business and Economics

We have a growing group of people who are interested in money,  how it is vulnerable in the current economic situation, and what may be done to create local resilience. Replace the "at" with the symbol "@" in the email addresses. » Read more

MOSS is Back!

The Motueka Skills Swap (MOSS) is back. MOSS is a non-profit system developed within the community for the exchange of goods, services and skills between members without the need of New Zealand dollars.  It is for barter, only better, because you can supply the people in the system who want what you have and receive what you want from a different person in the system.

We are starting small and growing. A skills directory will be published, enabling members to advertise the skills and services they wish to offer or may require. This is available online to members, as well. » Read more

Locals' Craft and Produce Market

Buy (and Sell) Local - Keep the Money Flowing in Our Community

Monday 29 December 2008, 9am-4pm at Thorps Bush behind New World

Motueka High School Fundraiser

Food and drink available - come for lunch

If wet, it will be held on Tuesday 30 December.

Stallholders: registration forms from or ph 03 528 9050 ext 203

after hours ph 03 528 8588

Motueka Local Currency Creation Meeting

Hi Everyone,                 I have booked Motueka Community House meeting room for us to get-together at 12.30pm, after the Sunday Market on 30 November.                     Please bring your Currency Design Matrix sheets,  Christoph Hensch handed out last week.  

A Weekend of Events - “Currency, Crisis, and Community Resilience”

Friday 14th   November,    8pm      “ Currency,  Crisis,  and Community Resilience, or Why there is never enough money “

  » Read more

Rev. Peter Norman Clearly Explains Current Financial Crisis

This month, Rev. Peter Norman gave a Sunday sermon at St Andrews here in Motueka that clearly explained the current financial situation in a way that made the economics understandable. Using the American example, he follows the path of subprime loans and rising interest rates to the rising number of defaulted mortgage payments and so on. He kindly agreed to provide the text of the sermon to Kate at Motueka News Online.


Workshop Notes - Community Currency July 2008


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