
There are transition town groups in: Brooklyn, Hataitai, Johnsonville, Karori, Lower Hutt, Ngaio, Upper Hutt, Wadestown, and Wellington South.

There is a regional Wellington Transition Town steering committee, but it mostly serves as a networking and sharing of experience hub, rather than attempting to dictate actions or processes to local groups.
Background on Wellington Initiatives

We had our first Transition Towns of Wellington meeting in November 2007. We felt that because Wellington is a reasonably large area, it makes sense to create Transition Initiatives by suburb or suburb groups initially. However, we still need to network regularly as a whole to meet, share experiences and do some planning towards Transition Town Wellington!

Since that first Wellington meeting, Transition Initiatives have been popping up all over Wellington - the response has been amazing! So many capable people are stepping up to bring this movement to their local communities. Change is in the air...

Join the Wellington Email Group

Inventory of resources

Criteria for 'official' TT status

Initial thoughts on governance

Read more


First meeting 29 Nov 2007 held at St Andrews on the Terrace

Rough minutes by Paul Kennett (feel free to fix any mistakes)


There was general agreement that we will start as a temporary regional steering group. With neighbourhood clusters of interest. We're still feel our way around the question of "what scale to start".

Step 1. Volunteers for steering group:

  • Juanita
  • Paul
  • Stu
  • Nicola
  • Marc
  • Celia
  • Natalie

Done! » Read more

Food Matters Aotearoa conference, 14 and 15 February 2015, Te Papa Tongarewa, Museum of New Zealand, Wellington

Food Matters Aotearoa conference, 14 and 15 February 2015, Te Papa Tongarewa, Museum of New Zealand, Wellington.
Food Matters Aotearoa Conference welcomes overseas speakers including Dr. Vandana Shiva, Prof. Gilles-Eric Seralini, and Prof. Don Huber. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Te Papa Tongarewa, Museum of New Zealand, Wellington

Local Food Stories Produce Swap

Bring your homegrown produce to swap, or just bring yourself to enjoy food and fun all market long!

Wellington's Local Food Network invites you to come help launch their new website and swap table at their first Local Produce Swap at Hill St Farmers' Market. The Swap will take place from 1030-1130, or come by for seeds and information from 830- 1230pm.

Check out the event on facebook

http://www.facebook.com/events/188911134574693/ » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Hill Street Market, Thorndon

Autumn Workshop Series

Innermost Gardens has a workshop series coming up on Thursday evenings and a few longer ones on Sundays  at the Mt Victoria site, end of Lawsons lane.  Most of the evening workshops will finish at 8 with a cup of tea and informal chats to follow.

Workshops,  6:30-8 pm Innermost Gardens Mt Victoria

Mar 1 Gardening with a black thumb – Sarah Adams

Mar 8 Composting and Nutrient Dense food – Grant Lyon

Mar 15 Fruit trees – Tim Packer

Mar 22 Container gardening – Richard Self

Mar 29 Preserving – Sally Edgar » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Innermost Gardens, Mt Victoria, Wellington


Transition Johnsonville

Transition Johnsonville is currently dormant - feel free to join the email group though if you'd like to fire things up again!

Join the  Transition Johnsonville email group

Next Event:


Previous Events:

  » Read more

Community Gardens - Growing Great Groups

This is a workshop for people involved in community gardens who want to reflect on the 'back-end' of community gardening and develop their own group's ability to work together in ways that are effective and empowering.


This gathering aims to: » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Bandoliers Building at the Innermost Community Garden in Mount Victoria, Wellington
strypey's picture

Free Public Screening of 'Home' Doco

Freedom academy in collaboration with open your eyes present

The FREE public screening of HOME

http://www.homethemovie.org/ » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Fast Eddies, Level 1, 125 Manners Street, Wellington

Local Food Weekend Workshop, Faciliated by Robina Mc Curdy

WEEKEND WORKSHOP June 18 &19th Facilitated by: Robina McCurdy, Earthcare Education Aotearoa


Sat 18 & Sun 19 JUNE, 10am – 4:30pm

Venue:  Charles Plimmer House, end of Lawson Lane, Mt Victoria, Wellington » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Community hall at Innermost Gardens, Mt Victoria, next to the Victoria Bowling Club, Lawson Lane, Mt Victoria, Wellington.

Bio regional alternative currencies get together - Wellington

You are all invited to an afternoon of discussion about permaculture and transition activity in our bioregion, and a workshop on the possibilities for alternative trade, exchange, and savings, with Gary Williams, Bryan Innes, and other guests (to be confirmed). » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Community hall at Innermost Gardens, Mt Victoria, next to the Victoria Bowling Club, Lawson Lane, Mt Victoria, Wellington.

'Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream of the modern world' Symposium

Symposium goal is to bring about an environmentally sustainable, socially just fulfilling human presence on the planet.

A participatory workshop which takes participants through 4 questions: where are we; how did we here (underlying root causes); what is possible & whats emerging in the world; and where do we go from here.

The symposium is a chance to learn or to become 'un-numb), to share, learn, be inspired, inspire others.

Location / Venue: 
Connolly Hall, Guildford Tce, Thorndon

WCC Waste and Recycling Policy

At the next Transition Towns Mt Victoria meeting Donna Sherlock, WCC Waste Minimisation and Education Manager, will talk on recyling and resource conservation, beginning with a brief presentation on the state of play for Wellington's rubbish and recycling. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
New Crossways, Roxburgh St Mt Vic

Advanced Soil Biology and Microorganism Workshop!

Advanced Soil Biology and Microorganism Technology Workshop!!! Discover the microorganism technologies in compost tea and mulching.  Learn the benefits of a healthy soil food-web and how to create one in your garden. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Mt. Victoria, Wellington
nicole masters's picture

Early bird special for NZ Soil Carbon Conference finishes!

New Zealand Soil Carbon Conference, 15-17th September, Te Papa, Wellington.
The early bird special for tickets finishes on the 1st of August, be in quick so you don't miss this fantastic opportunity. see: www.soilcarbonconference.co.nz

Keynote speakers confirmed: Dr Christine Jones and Professor Tim Flannery!!!

Come and be part of this exciting agricultural movement; which addresses the need for quality food production and environmental quality while building profitable farming businesses! » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Te Papa, Wellington

The Return of the Great Brooklyn Frock Swap!

The Return of the Great Brooklyn Frock Swap

Following the runaway success of ‘The Great Brooklyn Frock Swap’ in 2009, it's back in 2010 to provide you with a great wardrobe for a donation of only $10. Wow!

Date: Saturday 7 August
Time: 7pm
Venue: Brooklyn Community Centre, Harrison Street
Koha: $10:00
For those of you who have never attended such an event, here's a quick summary to let you know...

...how it works: » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Brooklyn Community Centre, Harrison Street

Chris Cameron talks on the issue of climate change

Chris Cameron, Wellington City Council Principal Advisor Climate Change, will talk  on the issue of climate change, the Council's plans and priorities for the future, and the role we can play.

The meeting will be at New Crossways, Roxburgh St, Tuesday 15 June, commencing 7:30 pm.  For further information contact Frank Cook on 027 6496508.

Location / Venue: 
New Crossways, Roxbuirgh St, Mt Victoria
strypey's picture

Lower north island bioregion - permaculture hui

Kia ora koutou

This is an invitation to participate in two networking tools for folks in the lower north island bioregion with an interest in permaculture. » Read more

TT Brooklyn is hosting an Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products Workshop

Cleaning Products Workshop - Keeping the planet clean and happy!


Fed up of buying expensive, harmful chemical cleaners?

Fancy going back to basics and learning how you can make your own?

Transition Towns Brooklyn is running a eco-friendly cleaning products workshop.

Come along and learn how to make your own glass cleaner, toothpaste and so much more.

  » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Brooklyn Community Centre, Harrison Street

Permaculture In Your Community Workshop

Permaculture In Your Community: A workshop with Robina McCurdy, hosted by Innermost Gardens   This workshop will cover an introduction to permaculture basics.
Location / Venue: 
Charles Plimmerton House, Mt Victoria, Wellington

Brooklyn Transition Town invites you to an evening with WITS!

Brooklyn Transition Town invites you to an evening with WITS!

Wellington Independent Trading Scheme is a Community Exchange Systems.

CES's are community based networks of sharing which encourage mutual aid, reciprocation, self reliance, local production and community planning by providing a means of exchanging goods and services for the meeting of needs, community revitalisation, resilience and re-localisation. » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Brooklyn Transition Town invites you to an evening with WITS!

What does Wellington wish for in 2010?

Transition Town Brooklyn along with several other Wellingtonian TT movements hosted a stall at the annual Green Party Picnic for the Planet event on Sunday 24th January 2010.

We asked people to add their wishes for 2010 for the environment and/or their local community to our 'Wishing Line'. And here they are.....!

"I wish everyone would think peace and do peace"

"Every bit helps!

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