Local Food Weekend Workshop, Faciliated by Robina Mc Curdy

WEEKEND WORKSHOP June 18 &19th Facilitated by: Robina McCurdy, Earthcare Education Aotearoa


Sat 18 & Sun 19 JUNE, 10am – 4:30pm

Venue:  Charles Plimmer House, end of Lawson Lane, Mt Victoria, Wellington

Workshop Description

In this workshop, Robina will use community facilitation methods to the goal of community scale food interdependence, based on successful models of localised food production in Aotearoa/NZ and in other parts of the world.

Participants attending the weekend will leave with an understanding of what happening globally with our food sources, what food networks New Zealand has and a strategies to enable greater access to local food in the Wellington region.

This will include:

* developing networks of resilient food growing communities which includes growers, food stores, distributors, markets and co ops.

* Creating a Permaculture zoning strategy encompassing backyards, neighbourhoods, local area, region, rural-urban links;

* Ways of mapping nad ensuring efficient wide ranging use of local resources, including utilizing and replenishing wild harvest areas;

* an interactive local seasonal calendar for land management, food

production, harvest and distribution, linked with social-cultural events;

* enriched regional food economies – increasing local and household wealth through growing surplus and value adding;


Robina is co founder & resident of Tui Land Trust & Community in Aotearoa. She is the founder of the Institute for Earthcare Education Aotearoa, and pioneer of the SEED programme in South African and Brazilian schools.

Robina holds a Permaculture Diploma, and for the past 25 years has been engaged in community development, permaculture design & tutoring, organic growing & creating environmental education resources.  She teaches these these community-building methods Aotearoa/NZ, Australia, Southern Africa, Britain, Canada, USA and Brazil.

Cost: $40-60 sliding scale

Food: Morning and Afternoon tea provided. Bring your lunch each day.


Email: Innermostgardens@gmail.com

Deposit: $20 direct deposit to Innermost bank account

Bank Details

Innermost Gardens Incorporated
Kiwibank: 38-9005-0915382-00




‘LOCAL FOOD’Film Evening June 16th 7-8:30

Facilitated by:  Robina McCurdy, Earthcare Education Aotearoa

Want to break your dependence on the supermarket forever?  It’s possible here and now to be 100% food self-reliant at a regional & local level and build a thriving community at the same time!   Come and learn how…



– a selection from Robina’s DVD’s on local food initiatives happening around the world, absolutely applicable to Wellington.


Thurs 16 JUNE, 7.00  – 8:30pm

Venue:  Russian Frost Farmers 2 Eva St, just off Dixon St, CBD.

Entry:  $5 – $10 (income related sliding scale).  No pre-registration necessary.

Location / Venue: 
Community hall at Innermost Gardens, Mt Victoria, next to the Victoria Bowling Club, Lawson Lane, Mt Victoria, Wellington.