Online Video

Along with the following links to external videos,
here is our own online Transition TV Channel - Check it out.

If you upload a video to this site and apply the tag "Video" it will appear in the Transition TV Channel.



It is also available as a download spliced into one .mov file (quicktime file) available on the Kapiti Transition Town Site.

It is 70mb to download, but you would be downloading more than this if you watch the whole thing on youtube.

Deep Green is a team of dedicated people in Orewa, working to bring us New Zealand film content and post it for all to access online. Visit their site at They filmed many of the presentations at the recent Taupo Eco Show, Richard Heinberg's preentation in Orewa, and some presentation on practical permaculture subjects.

Deep Green on YouTube

James Samuel's video site, pushes the limits of the Transition name by embracing a wide range of videos from many different sources, with the more general tagline of "Watch, and be part of the Transition". This site is James' more personal offering of a broad range of video, some of which will be sure to stretch your imagination - for many different scenarios which our present news suggest to a range of thinking people.


Not directly about peak oil or energy descent, The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns. The Story of Stuff exposes the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues, and calls us together to create a more sustainable and just world Can also be downloaded in quickplayer format (50Mb). Very North American but still a great tool to teach about consumption.

Audio interview with Vicky Butt on Nine to Noon Jan 23rd. She covered wood waste biofuel, charcoal, wind etc. Well worth listening to. Vicky is an enthusiastic supporter of small-scale local community ventures.