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Feel free to make a blog!
Submitted by admin on 1 June 2008 - 5:39pm | updated 29 Jun 2008 | Blog entryIf you have some commentary to share about Peak Oil or TT, please feel free to create a blog and let loose!
Your posts will be shown on this 'blogs' page, and on the home page of this site, ensuring good exposure for your content.
Scaling back this web site
Submitted by admin on 1 October 2018 - 1:36am | Blog entry- This web site has grown old, both in terms of it's content and the underlying software that makes it tick. Significant work is now required to keep that software secure and operational, which TTNZ does not have the resources to undertake.
- There is no national-level coordination of Transition Towns groups.
- Only a few local groups are still active in New Zealand.
Therefore, this web site will soon become radically simplified - just a single page with links to the web sites or social media presence of whichever TT groups exist. » Read more
Ooooby is Crowdfunding
Submitted by James Samuel on 15 August 2015 - 3:00pm | updated 15 Aug 2015 | Blog entryOoooby’s mission is to make local food convenient, affordable and fair everywhere. To do this it has developed a lean-efficient distribution model, that can scale by being replicated to serve the local food needs of any modest sized population. This social enterprise aligns well with the Transition Towns philosophy of moving from oil dependence to local resilience, and is a commons based business, which means that suppliers, customers and crew all share in its success.

What will it take to catalyse and inspire Aotearoa NZ becominug a Transition Country? Where does Kaitiakitanga fit in?
Submitted by Christopher Le ... on 23 June 2015 - 7:06am | Blog entryModern histories tell us that Aotearoa New Zealand was the last landmass to be settled by humans. Will it be the first that humans have to evacuate given the pollution to its rivers, lakes, and land ? Or will it be the first to chart a new way forward, drawing on the best of the modern world and its indigenous traditions?

Substituting Renewables - a Scenario about Dinner
Submitted by Susan Krumdieck on 1 June 2015 - 10:44pm | updated 01 Jun 2015 | Blog entry
Resilience and Sefl Reliance
Submitted by Susan Krumdieck on 1 June 2015 - 10:08pm | updated 01 Jun 2015 | Blog entry
What Works
Submitted by Susan Krumdieck on 1 June 2015 - 9:39pm | Blog entryThe only thing that I know for sure that works, is to stop doing what doesn't work.
Changing the way we grow (and distribute) food
Submitted by James Samuel on 16 February 2015 - 12:58pm | updated 16 Feb 2015 | Blog entry
Over the past few decades we've learned how to move beyond the monoculture model of production, to work with nature and grow food, while enhancing and regenerating ecological systems.
The Beyond Organic NZ Tour with Stefan Sobkowiak is an opportunity to hear how these productive, profitable, permaculture-inspired practices work and learn techniques you can apply immediately. Read on to see the video trailer of Stefan's 2-hour Permaculture Orchard film.
An extensive calendar of 20 events has been created, from Matakana to the Wairarapa and Motueka to Arrowtown. If you're curious and want to know what these best-practice food growing methods look like register today and you can look forward to discovering valuable information and meeting others who can support you and your goals.
Nationwide rally TPP 7 March 2015
Submitted by Tony Mad on 28 January 2015 - 12:01pm | Blog entryKEEP OUR SOVERIGNTY, STOP THE NWO's Trans Pacific Partnership.
Nationwide Rally being planned for March 7th.
Nov 8th Rally brung over 10 thousand nation wide. Wellington over 2 thousand.
Are we interested in putting together one for the Hutt? » Read more
Stefan Sobkowiak – Beyond Organic
Submitted by James Samuel on 30 August 2014 - 4:42pm | Blog entryThis two hour interview makes for an important addition to the knowledge shared in the Permaculture Orchard film. In it Stefan talks about the next piece of the puzzle, soon to be released from Miracle Farm.
The podcast which has just come online, would have gone longer if Stefan hadn’t excused himself to join a scheduled conversation with John Allan of APW and myself. We needed to talk about the Masterclass Stefan will be leading at Unitec Auckland next year, as part of the Beyond Organic NZ Tour.
For New Zealanders the survivalist concepts that are promoted in the lead-in may seem foreign, and you can of course skip them and jump to 8m:40sec, or you may wind up asking, what’s happening in the USA? What’s being expressed there is an expression of people responding to the increasing uncertainty and rapid change that is underway across the world – we’re just each experiencing it differently.
Now, onto the interview on The Survival Podcast with Jack Spirko.
Up front we hear about Stefan’s background and having a Masters degree in both Biology and Landscape design, before learning what got him inspired to set up a Permaculture Orchard. We find a man with a deep desire to maximise the positive impact he can have on the world around him, and as the minutes turn into hours, we start to appreciate the gifts he’s offering.

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