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If you have some commentary to share about Peak Oil or TT, please feel free to create a blog and let loose!
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arcticle for 'GOOD' magazine
Hi all,
I am a garden writer commissioned to write an article for 'GOOD' magazine (New Zealand's guide to sustainable living). The focus of the article - for Feb March edition - is to find out who the 'new' and/or unlikely gardeners are among us. To this end I am looking for an e mailed photo of you the gardener along with perhaps a bit of your garden (be it egg cup, window box, terrace of raised beds or borrowed ground) and maybe a line or two about how you got into vege gardening - ie. whether by inspiration, neccessity or other.
Those who are selected will be featured in the article that I will be writing - so good publicity for those that have something to communicate or say.
- Please get out your camera and send us a snap it would be great to see who you are - 'that means young and old and inbetween, left or right handed, baldy or bearded, simple or complicated, single or congregated, fragrant or functional, tea for one or lunch for all, perfumed or permed, reeking or resplendant, impoverished or rolling in it, motorised or strolling it, perpetual youth or pensioner, real deal or pretensioner, earth mother or agony aunt, vegetable empire or just one plant, captain of industry or self-sufficient ministry - just a wee jpeg please, one photo captured by a mate will show who's making gardening the new choc-o-late'
I would ideally receive all photos by November14th at the latest.
Thanks and happy harvesting!
Paul Thompson
Transition Town Cafe Kerikeri
Here's some good news!
On 22 January 2009 Transition Towns Bay of Islands opened a TT Cafe. It's awesome.
We meet on a Thursday evening once a fortnight from 6-10.00pm in the Union Church. It doens't look like a church, it looks more lilke a hall with different spaces for different conversations and yet has wonderful energy.
There's always an event (starter) from 7-8pm. Either a talk, a film, some poetry, videos of what you are doing etc. Then there's lots of time for those juicy conversations that get people inspired and sharing information.
Each event has attracted new people which is what makes it special I think. It's always on and people can come when there's an event they are interested in or they have time, or they just want to connect with someone else there. Last night Don talked about his mini-hydro scheme, earth building and compost toilet and this led to great discussions.
Usually there is a Council staff member there as well - either invited by us or just turning up because they want to be part of the action....!
Initially our steering group organised the cafe and the local produce for sale - tea, coffee, snacks, and now others are offering to help. My Mother who is 85 comes each time to help with tea and coffee.......
Like to read something new
Like to read something new and fresh that newens and freshens every day?
If you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it we'll get on just fine!