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Introduction to Invercargill
updated 27 Mar 2012Welcome to the Transition Town Invercargill!
Transition Town Invercargill would like for Invercargill and Southland to be a resilient, truly sustainable, vibrant community of happy and healthy people who will live in a way that will protect the environment and ultimately enhance the quality of human lives everywhere.
Our aim is to support a transition of Invercargill - and Southland - communities into a lower-energy, lower-emissions future. To achieve this we wish to work with any individual, group or organisation with similar aims.
We're trying to catalyse a coherent response to the premise that we are entering an age of decline in net energy as fossil fuel supply rates peak globally, and that this will mean we have to reduce energy consumption. The need for this is reinforced by predicted climate change and the current global economic situation.
Our vision for Invercargill's future is:
The world Transition Invercargill sees for ourselves, our children, grandchildren and our communities in 2050.
“In Invercargill we are a well connected community of hardy, healthy people. We are supported by productive land due to our intelligent management of earth’s resources, where everything is viewed as a resource rather than rubbish. In the past we openly discussed the challenges of peak oil and climate change, which led to us taking purposeful action towards a common goal. Subsequently, we choose to power the globe without polluting the atmosphere, including using renewable transport/fuels”
This draft vision is open to comment. Email us at transitioninvercargill+vision@gmail.com
If you would like to join the group or get in touch with us please contact us at:
Email: transitioninvercargill@gmail.com
Phone: 03 217 8987
You can join the Transition Towns Southland Google Group which is mainly used as a mailing list by members. The old version of this group here will be inactive from Sept 2011 as Google has migrated everyone to the new group linked above. Historic posts and files are in a zip archive which you can request from transitioninvercargill+discussionarchive@gmail.com.
More info:
You can download our brochure here.
Outcomes and actions - Notes of outcomes and actions from public meetings can be found here.
Events- Regional calendar of Invercargill events
Learning Resources - a list of trusted places to go for more information.
Past events - List and details of our past events
Steering group minutes - Notes from meetings of the core group
Useful contacts - A list of people with special skills and expertise who can provide tips and advice on topics from organic gardening to alternative energy.
Our submission to Schedule 4 Stocktake proposal
Please email us if you have any suggestions for information you would like to see on this website or anything which you think Transition Towns Invercargill should take forward.
A Little History:
March 2009 “Energy Transition”
Series of films We screened two films: “A Crude Awakening” and “The Power of Community”
April 2009 “What are Transition Initiatives” public talks
Participants of these events were encouraged to put down their ideas on the following four topics:
- What can I do?
- What can Invercargill do?
- What can the Government do?
- Other thoughts?
At the talks participants also played with four scenarios for the future:
- Business as Usual
- Technocrat
- Survivalist
- Re-localisation
20 May 2009 Open Space Workshop
"In a time of Peak Oil, how can we apply Kiwi ingenuity to make the most of Southland's natural advantages?"
Some great ideas came out of the groups.
Winter 2009 Workshops
Series of workshops were held to share practical skills:
- Natural Building
- The Psychology of Change
- Pruning
- Permaculture
- Who Killed the Electric Car
October 2009 350 Castles for Climate Action Event
Building sand castles, racing against the tide, to raise awareness of climate change
2010 People Resources List
A list of key contacts working on ‘transition type’ initiatives was put together.
2010 Transition Café was launched
The Bookstop in Glengary became the host of Transition Café every Thursday afternoon.
September 2010
Spring Festival Brought as many of the groups working on “transition type” initiatives together.
May 2011 Gap analysis
A gap analysis of the ideas raised in previous years, with existing ‘transition type’ initiatives.
Green travelling in the South of the South Island:
Film Screening - 'The Power of Community' - exploring local food supply issues
Submitted by Nathan Surendran on 16 July 2013 - 8:36pm | EventWe're holding the third of our monthly film screenings on key issues of our time. The aim is to try and inform and develop peoples thinking around these topics. We hope to encourage existing initiatives, and maybe catalyse some more!
This month's film is 'The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil (2006):
52 min - Documentary » Read more
Location / Venue:
SVCF, Level 3, 5 The Crescent, Invercargill, 9810
Design Your own Eco Home Workshop - Invercargill
Submitted by bbe_institute on 12 July 2012 - 7:55pm | updated 23 Jul 2012 | Event
This intensive weekend workshop was originally developed for those wanting to design their own Eco Home. Now after 11 years of delivering the workshops many others also attend. The workshop is a must for anyone seeking a good grounding in latest residential eco building ideas. » Read more
Location / Venue:
Invercargill Green Drinks - note change of date/venue
Submitted by Diana Z on 29 November 2011 - 9:53am | EventFor a change, January Green Drinks will follow the Glengarry Market on Saturday, 28 January 2012. This will be followed by a Transition Town Invercargill meeting at 2.30pm.
Location / Venue:
Eastern Suburbs Tavern, Glengarry Shopping Centre, Invercargill
Recommended learning list
This is a collection of suggested resources if you would like to learn more about Transition:
BOOK: “What would it look like if the best responses to peak oil and climate change came not from committees and Acts of Parliament, but from you and me and the people around us?” - The Transition Companion
BLOG: The Transition Network Blog - news from Transition Town Initiatives globally. » Read more
Mid-winter Green Drinks – 28 July - with ukulele music and mulled wine
Submitted by Diana Z on 26 July 2011 - 10:24am | EventJoin us for the monthly Green Drinks this Thursday, 28 July. » Read more
Location / Venue:
Zookeepers Café (upstairs), Tay Street, Invercargill
Natural Earth Expo and Spiritual Fair - 19 June 2011
Submitted by Improve Nature on 4 May 2011 - 9:39pm | EventThe team at Improve Nature would like to invite you to partake or visit the Natural Earth Expo and Spiritual Fair - 19 June 2011.
The Natural Earth Expo and Spiritual Fair will be held at:
Date: 19 June 2011
Invercargill Workingmen's Club (covered venue)
154 Esk Street
start: 10am
finish: 4pm
Gold coin donation as entry.
Location / Venue:
Invercargill Workingmen's Club
Considering change - public talk by Dr Susan Krumdieck
Submitted by Diana Z on 7 February 2011 - 1:03pm | Event
Susan will be talking about the challenges of peak oil and climate change,
» Read moreLocation / Venue:
Invercargill Public Library meeting room (upstairs), Dee Street, Invercargill
Southland Lignite Discussion with Dr Susan Krumdieck
Submitted by Diana Z on 7 February 2011 - 12:43pm | updated 07 Feb 2011 | EventJoin Dr Susan Krumdieck and others for an informal discussion about ligni » Read more
Location / Venue:
Invercargill Environment Centre, SIT Arcade, 46 Esk Street, Invercargill

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