Steering Group minutes

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TT Meeting 22 September ‘09

Present: Diana, Conan, Judith, Rhiannon, Terry joined later

October 19th Movie Screening

Panel: Frana/ Robert or Robyn Guyton, Robin McNeill, Diana to MC

Rhiannon to draft brief for panel members and send to Diana

VIPs: Frana is attending, Tracey Hicks is attending. 

Mayor Tim and Richard King – NO.

Diana to invite MP and opposition mp. 

Rhiannon to invite barry hanson & David taylor. 

Conan to remind Marion

Promotion: Can begin once time of October 24th date is determined which will also go on the poster

Terry will put up posters which Diana will complete this weekend.

Rhiannon to put together invitation for event (once Diana has sent her the ILT letter) and send to everyone on the group

Media: Conan will be the contact for the media while Diana is away

Drinks: Diana has written a letter to ILT to request support in terms of donated drinks. WE will apply for a liquor licence once we know if they will support as we wont be able to afford otherwise.  Drinks and food will be served on trays

Catering: Judith and Rhiannon will handle catering

Volunteers: Cheyne and one of Terry’s friends will help with door/ serving drinks etc. There will be a list of people at the door. Conan will organise 100 dollars float

Venue: Rhiannon has the disk and will liaise with the museum on set up – chairs, projector etc. Do they have a staff member there to run the DVD etc? 

Diana will ask if we can have a limit of two hours charge

October 24th 350 beach event

The event will be called 350 castles for climate action

Judith wont be there on the day as she is in Dunedin.

The tide is the same this Friday so Diana will go with her workmate Steve to check where the line in the sand where the sandcastles should be dug should be put. It will be to the right of the entrance.  The route cars take will need to be taken into account. We need to find a spot where the sand wont be too wet/ dry.  Spaces on the line will be parcelled out to people building sandcastles – each group will get a numbered flag (Sue has a huge bamboo plant and her daughter may help make the flags)  People will need to stay on the line in order to be eligible for prizes

Diana waiting to hear back from the photographic society about whether they can take the photo – we need some sort of flag or sign with 350 on

Sue Morrison Bailey has agreed to marshall the volunteers.  How many volunteers will we need?

We will need radios – she is gong to contact Sono Sound.  Diana will contact the police (also to ask about whether they want to be present/ what safety precautions we should take) Also we will contact the life saving trust

Deep South has a caravan which social groups can use to sell ice creams so that is an option

WE will only give a 1/3 of A4 paper out to each group with instructions in order to avoid rubbish – this will have rules and instructions on a nd be handed out to cars as they drive onto the beach.

We need 4 large prizes and a number of spot prizes.

Steve is going to ask for a bike

Envrionemnt centre – bokashi bin

Otatara Community Nursery – small box of plants

Diana will speak to Morrifield development

Judith will speak to Diacks

Other ideas –


Aluminium smelter

Supermarkets – baskets of groceries./ natural sweets – Judith has a friend at new world who she will speak to

The warehouse

Gus’s square garden

People who donate prizes can get their name on the board./ on trailor at entrance to beach

Terry and Conan are going to build their submersible sky scraper thing to hang the banner on.

Diana is going to ask Donna the graphic designer to produce the poster and logo for TT

Diana is also going to try and get us some donations through environment southland or the community trust.

Meeting TT 11 August 2009

Present: Diana, Judith, Terry, Conan, Rhiannon

Update on finances and events

Chequebook has arrived. We have $639.20 currently in the account, which needs to cover payments for tutors of courses. We will pay a voucher of $120 for the permaculture course.

The next course is the pruning workshop on Saturday at 10am. Rhiannon will buy balloons to mark the two locations. Everyone is to bring secateurs if they have them.

Community Garden Project

The main focus of the meeting was the update on the community garden project led by Terry. A meeting took place at the proposed location for the garden (the old  cycling track , Kew Bowl in South City) on Sunday  2 August. Terry and Judith attended along with five others. There are also others known to be interested. There are two entrances – one is flooded; the other is locked. Jenny Campbell is going to take pictures of the venue and produce an article for the newspaper.

Present situation: The location is owned by the Council – they want to sell but haven’t been able to. It is mostly grass – it would need to be found out whether it has been sprayed and how long the chemicals would take to dissipate. A water source would be needed. A solution to stop people racing bikes round the track would be needed. The track could be painted.

Options for plans: One option is to get a professional design produced to take to the council. This could include a permaculture garden and/or allotments. The second option is more ad hoc, to simply start planting (e.g fruit bushes etc) knowing that its possible that the council may decide to sell the land and the garden may need to be removed.

Next step: Terry to speak to Councillors with responsibility for South City projects prior to the next community garden meeting. Diana to find out the schedule for ICC decision making – is it the same as SDC? Diana to check LTCCP. Rhiannon to set up web page for garden on transitiontowns website.

Another meeting will be held 30th August – location TBD.

350 Initiative 24 October (Labour weekend)

This is a global initiative taking place before the Copenhagen meeting to raise awareness of the importance of keeping carbon to 350 ppm. The idea is to organise some public event and take a striking photograph. One issue is that around the same time there is conservation week and clean up week so there could be ‘environment fatigue.’  Everyone to have a think to see if we can come up with some ideas.

Royal Heritage Day 21 November

Diana has been approached by the Royal Heritage Day team to see if TT would like to have a stall. The event which happens every 2 years in Donovan Park has a 1950s theme this year. We will need to consider some permanent elements of a stand which we can pull together for this event and then use at further events – e.g. Diana’s windmill, chicken coop, square meter garden, water feature with a solar panel, posters etc. Our aim at this event will be to promote the idea of ‘heritage skills’ as practical not just a hobby. Terry will order an oil poster through his school. We will plan the stand further at the next meeting.

Next meeting: 25 August location to be confirmed.

Transition Towns Invercargill Core Group meeting, Tuesday 6 July

Present: Diana; Judith; Conan; Terry; Ken; Rhiannon

Ken joined the steering group – welcome Ken!

Psychology of change presentation

The primary focus of the meeting was to review Rhiannon and Judith’s presentation for the psychology of change public talk.

It was agreed the presentations were on track – It was agreed to limit, as far as possible, the number of words on each slide.  Diana will crop some pictures for Rhiannon’s slides.

The evening will consist of: Presentation by Rhiannon (30 mins); Exercise in pairs (20 mins); tea (10 mins); Judith’s presentation (30 mins approx?); group talk (20 mins approx) close.

Posters for the evening were printed by Diana – Terry will put them up. 

Diana’s notebook with the list of locations is missing – once this is found they will check all locations are covered.

Community Garden

Terry updated the group on the community garden meeting which was held the previous week.  Four people attended and next steps in approaching the council to use the location near the hospital were agreed.  The next meeting of the group will be at the proposed site – Terry will email everyone with the date and an easy to find location to meet at.

Lifestyle block course

Diana shared her idea for a lifestyle block course which it was agreed was excellent.  Talks/ workshops could include a wide range of skills relevant to running a lifestyle block and include local ‘names’ to attract interest.  Businesses could sponsor.  Ken suggested a possible location.  Judith suggested having small events on blocks for people in the immediate area to help promote community.  It was agreed that this is a big project and should be discussed again – we will need to be sure that we have the time to commit to make it successful.

Next meeting

The next meeting is at Judith’s place on 29 July 7pm and will be on visioning.  It was agreed to go with the flow on format but we could use the approach where the person holding the ‘stone’ talks about their vision.  Alternatively those with artistic skills could draw their vision.  It was agreed that between us we would invite a few people. Could everyone please email me the names of the people they invite so I can send them an invitation email/ put together a list of attendees.  Diana/ Judith will you go through the list to suggest people as you have probably spoken to the most people and are aware of interest?

The following meeting will be at Conan’s place.

Tuesday 23 June

Present: Diana, Judith, Rhiannon, Terry, Conan

Transitions Towns Movie

The main focus of the meeting was to review the movie.  It was agreed to be a good film – we would like to use it as a fundraiser in the future.  Rhiannon will provide feedback to the UK Transitions Team via their website.

Winter/ Spring programme

Confirmed attendees and payments for the Winter/ Spring programme were reconciled.  Judith is keeping a formal record of all income and expenditure.  It was agreed to pay $60 towards the babysitters of Hari-Priya, who took the two cooking classes. 

Psychology of Change is the next event.  Rhiannon and Judith will meet prior to plan.  Rhiannon will email a blurb for the poster for Judith to review.  Judith will email on to Diana who will complete the poster.  (I will do this by tomorrow)

Media relations

One of the newspapers (The Spy?) has requested we produce a monthly column – it was agreed this was a good idea but Diana cannot do it alone – we will all need to chip in.  The columns will need to be practical in focus but not miss peak oil key facts.  The first will be on the winter/spring programme with ‘reskilling’ as a theme.  It would be great to have the community garden as a practical project to focus on – this will depend on progress –Terry to lead on this

Steering group

It was agreed that it would be great to have Ken Wuschke join the steering group.  Diana will contact him about this.

The next meeting is 7 July – can I have a volunteer to host please?

The following meeting 28 July will be at Judith’s place and will focus on visioning.  We will invite additional attendees – Do we want to send an invite out via the main email list?  I think it could work if worded carefully making clear we are looking for people to help lead as well as talk??? Or do we just want personal invites?  I am happy to organise this once this issue is decided…

Community Garden

It was agreed Terry will give an update at the next meeting.

Transition Towns Steering Group meeting Thursday 4 June

Present: Diana, Judith, Terry, Conan, Rhiannon

It was agreed to hold fortnightly pot luck meetings on a Tuesday night.  Rhiannon will organise the dates of these and sort out who will host – Judith to send dates of her meetings so we organise around them.  Rhiannon will email everyone to remind them. 

Natural building

Terry and Judith will be there to help Diana set up – the main focus is on signing people up.


Diana and Terry will draw up a list of poster locations.  Terry will put most posters for events up with others taking posters for specific locations relevant to them.

Rhiannon will continue to put notices in at MediaWorks Radio/ Diana at TRN/ Diana will you continue to liaise with Southland Express? I have bought chocolates for Southland Express lady – was her name Lisa-Marie or Ann-marie…or some other –marie?


Judith will take on role of treasurer.  Rhiannon owes $20 donation to the kitty.

Notes from open space meeting.

Rhiannon will email a list of suggestions for actions which came out of the open space to the Google-group (Diana will send to rest of list) for people to make comments on/ nominate themselves to lead on.

Notes from Transitions Towns Core Group meeting 5 May 2009

May Workshop

Venue: SIT – Diana to onfirm

Theme: In a time of peak oil how can kiwi ingenuity make the most of Southland’s natural advantages?

Awareness raising plan:

  1. Email contacts – Transitions towns list; attendees to sessions; other key groups – Diana has list. Rhiannon/ Diana to send email. Terry to email teachers group.
  2. Posters – Diana to organise
  3. Radio – Rhiannon to organise
  4. Southland Express – Diana/ Judith to organise
  5. Core group to all aim to bring 2 people

Winter event schedule

5 June



Natural Building

Graham North


22 July

7 – 9pm


The Psychology of Change

Judith & Rhiannon


15 August


Conan’s house – address?

Pruning Workshop

Mr&Mrs Guyton


16 & 19 September

7 – 9pm & Sat morn 10am?

SIT/ Rita’s House – address?

Permaculture Workshop

Rita Lukkien


28 October

7 – 9pm

Conan’s house?

Who killed the Electric Car?


OR all 5 workshops for $25


Natural Building

Are you interested in building with natural materials such as ….. This is a unique opportunity to learn some of the basics of this sustainable approach to building from Graham North (Diana insert key fact from his biog?)

The psychology of change

90% of preparation is mental. This workshop will look at how change affects us on a personal and societal level. How can the way we think about and approach peak oil affect our choices, our plans for the future and our relationships with each other and the earth?

Pruning Workshop

This workshop will look at how to prune and care for fruit trees to ensure a bumper crop! Robert and Robin Guyton will demonstrate pruning techniques on three different ages of tree – ready to plant, newly established and mature.

Permaculture Workshop

Bring practical permaculture design principles to your gardening – boost your soil fertility, grow more and garden more efficiently! Rita Lukkien will explain the key principles of permaculture, an approach which works with nature to care for people, care for earth and build community. The workshop will be followed by a visit to Rita’s beautiful and productive garden on the following Saturday morning.

Who killed the electric car?

Did you know [Conan to insert one of the cool facts he told us about early electric cars which I have since promptly forgotten] Come along and see this movie which explores the technology and politics behind the electric car. The movie will be followed by a talk from Conan about his experience of building an electric car.

Promoting & organising the Winter events:

  • Diana will confirm venues
  • Attendees will be asked to register and pay for events ahead of time, either by paying at environment centre or posting a cheque for cash to Judith?
  • Judith will check with environment centre about accepting payment for events & pick up cash.
  • Email of events programme to the list & key contact groups
  • Posters – Diana will design the posters and print them. We will all put them up in different locations.

Other events to be discussed at a later date:

  • Guerrilla Gardening
  • Fundraiser – the Age of Stupid
  • Sock darning
  • Cooking workshop

Other issues:

  • It was agreed to buy one more transitions handbook. Diana will look at whether we should buy the second book on transitions timelines. Other DVDs/ books discussed?
  • It was agreed not to pursue setting up a trust at this stage – we will review again at a later stage if the need arises