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Introduction to Whitianga
updated 30 Jul 2009Welcome to Transition Town Whitianga - 'Fit for the Future'
- Building Local Resilience and Community Connection -
The steering group was initially formed in Whitianga mid 2008. We have been meeting regularly to discuss our backgrounds and relatedness. From here, our first TT event is the launch on Sept 16. This will be a 'social introduction' to the Transition Town concept and our contact list will be formulated. From here, our aim is to have regular films and guest speakers - to increase awareness for TT Whitianga. Workshops will be planned to formulate subgroups and look at areas where the community can be more involved.
From a social, economic, and geographic perspective, it is essential for Whitianga to be more self-sufficient and less oil dependent. We have a strong community focus and a great wealth of people involved in the field of sustainability. We see Transition Town Whitianga as a forum to pull these people together and help transform our community through education and awareness. TT Whitianga aims to harness this individual energy and create a mosaic of skills, knowledge, and community spirit that will connect us all and move towards a more resilient and sustainable future.
Contact: Jeanette Ida. whitiangafutures@gmail.com
check out our blog:
Rick Brown - "Sustainabilty what's all the fuss?"
Submitted by Jeanette on 27 August 2009 - 10:13am | EventRick Brown Climate Change and Sustainability Talk. Rick Brown back from the Al Gore Climate Change Summit in Melbourne, gives and informative and up to date talk. Sustainability "whats all the fuss?" Also Dr Dom Ferretti, PhD Climate Change to attend to answer any questions. 7 30 Mercury Bay Area School Music Department Entry by Koha Tea and Coffee

First Whitianga Farmers Market
Submitted by jeanetteida on 30 July 2009 - 9:31pm | EventSoldiers memorial park, Whitianga
$5 stalls
8 30 - 1 30
contact: Jeanette for more info or if you'd like a stall
Location / Venue:

Green Tea
Submitted by jeanetteida on 6 July 2009 - 8:38pm | EventGreen Tea - drop in 10 - 12 St Andrew's by the Sea, Whitianga
Child friendly with toys provided.
Drop in for a cuppa and a chat.
Local speaker will talk about food additives.
Entry by Koha
Swap table to exchange pre-loved childrens toys, clothes etc, and surplus books, produce, food, etc
One Man One Cow One Planet
Submitted by Jeanette on 5 June 2009 - 12:24pm | updated 06 Jul 2009 | EventFilm Showing: One Man One Cow One Plane Sat 11th July Doors open 7 pm film @ 7 30 Monkey House Theatre Coghill ST Whitianga. Short discussion about local initiatives and where we are at before film.
Entry by Koha
Garbage Warrior
Submitted by Jeanette on 5 June 2009 - 12:22pm | updated 05 Jun 2009 | EventFilm Showing:
Garbage Warrior
Doors open 7pm, film @ 7 30
Fri 26th and Sat 27th June
Monkey House Theatre, Coghill St, Whitianga
Entry by Koha
Green Tea
Submitted by Jeanette on 5 June 2009 - 12:18pm | updated 05 Jun 2009 | EventAn opportunity for Mums and Dads to come together in a child-friendly environment to discuss environmental topics that impact our children.
Opportunity for sharing knowledge, meeting people and skill sharing over a cup of tea.
Exhange table: feel free to bring along pre-loved children's clothes, books, toys etc to swap
Held on June 19th 10 -12 and on the third Fri of each month.
Local speakers: June topic: Household cleaning products
Location / Venue:
St Andrew's by the Sea, Whitianga
Solar Talk and Demonstration
Submitted by Jeanette on 18 March 2009 - 8:48pm | EventSolar talk and demonstration by Dom Ferretti. Working model and PV display by Alphatron Pacific. Come along to learn and see the some of the latest solar technology. Domestic/marine.
Location / Venue:
Outside Monk St Market, Whitianga
Earthhour Community Event
Submitted by Jeanette on 18 March 2009 - 8:42pm | EventCommunity Event to celebrate Earthhour.
7 30 - 8 30 pm Library to put on Stories by Torchlight in tents by library.
8 30 - 9 30 pm Acoustic music by local drummers and guitarists.
Location / Venue:
Memorial Park, Whitianga
Green Drinks - hosted by Transition Whitianga
Submitted by Jeanette on 18 February 2009 - 9:42pm | updated 21 Feb 2009 | EventGreen Drinks - hosted by Transition Whitianga
A fun way to meet people involved/interested in sustainability.
A screening of "TT NZ - A first year in Transition " by James Samuel
Location / Venue:
Tuatua Bar and Resteraunt, Whitianga

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