
Warkworth Initiative

Resources --- Events --- Meeting Minutes

Welcome to the Warkworth Transition Town(TT) website. We have now held five Warkworth TT meetings and one Warkworth TT steering committee meeting. We have discovered a lot of ideas, local talent and resources. Its exciting to have had so many people interested in the local community and sustainable living, and to see that there are already loads of initiatives in our area. To try and plug into and engage with what is already happening, and to let you all know about upcoming events, we have created two more Warkworth TT pages, with links below. If you have any more links to resources or local events either add them to the pages yourself or email the exact text to me and I'll put it up for you (eirena(at)eirena.net).

Warkworth Transition Town meetings are held at the Catholic Church Hall on Alnwich St, Warkworth, on the second Friday of each month at 7:30pm.

Next Warkworth TT Meeting

Date: Friday 10th October Time: 7:30pm

Location: Catholic Church Hall, Alnwich St, Warkworth.  We intend showing “Food Matters”, In this day and age with so many companies interested in profiting from your misfortune and ill health this film will help keep your money in your pocket and your health in your hands. http://www.foodmatters.tv/ for more info on th film.

After the film there will be a short presentation from the Transport Sub-Committee followed by discussion

Next steering Committee Meeting

Date: Wed 15th October

Time: 7:30pm

Location: Eirena's Home. 17 Wech Dr, Warkworth.


Richard Bromley: Email: r.bromley (at) buckton.co.nz

Jenny and Bruce Eirena: Email: eirena (at) eirena.net Phone: 0211077515