
A steering group has been formed and an action plan has been developed. Our first act was to plan a series of film showings at Cue Theatre in Inglewood.

Tuesday 22nd July: "The End of Surburbia". 7pm. $2 entry.

Tuesday 29th July: "The Power of Community: how Cuba survived peak oil". 7pm. $2 entry.

Tuesday 5th August: "Peak Oil: imposed by nature" (a short movie) followed by "Money As Debt".  7pm. $2 entry.



Some recent activity

29 November 2007

Kama Burwell, member of the steering group, did a presentation about Peak Oil and Transition Towns to the New Plymouth District Environment Network. It was hoped that other people would be inspired to get TT happening in their town. As a result, a New Plymouth steering group is now being formed.

6th June 2008

The steering group, now 8 members, met and developed a strategy to get things transitioning in Inglewood.

4th July 2008

Transition Towns Inglewood made submissions to the District Council that neighbourhood reserves be used to grow productive fruit and nut trees for the neighbourhoods. Fingers crossed.


For more information call Kama Burwell on Ph 756-9100 or email