Hawkes Bay

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Beautiful Hawke's Bay


The TT initiative in the Bay kicked off with a community presentation by Jo Duff on 17th September 2007 as part of the Sustaining Hawke's Bay Trust's Speakers on Sustainability Series. Many of the 65 or so people present, including a number of councillors, signed up for interest groups and a first meeting of interested parties was scheduled.

View the videos of Jo Duff's presentation - a summary of climate change & peak oil issues followed by community responses in the UK, NZ and worldwide.

After three open meetings at the Environment Centre in Hastings we chose a Steering Group, which has been meeting regularly ever since. Various sub groups have also formed and several projects are underway. See the headings below and follow the links for more information.


For more information please contact Environment Centre Hawke's Bay, 220 Russell St, Hastings, 06 ..., info@shbt.org.nz. Or join the Hawke's Bay Google Group.


Latest news


NEXT Meeting on 13th November 12.00 at Hastings Environment Centre to focus on putting together some leaflets and materials to better display TT information at events. Also to put together ideas for a display stand. All those interested in attending are very welcome.  

Haumoana Fair 1st November 2009

Transition Hawkes Bay and the Sus'd campaign had stalls at the fair

 Environment Awards 30th October 2009

7.30 Hastings Opera House all welcome

'The Power of the Myth Engineering for the Future'

Dr Susan Krumdieck 29th october at EIT 3.30pm

Premiere Screening of Age of Stupid - Transition HB Fundraiser

Tuesday 27th October 2009, Century Theatre Napier

7.15pm - drinks and nibbles, 8pm film starts

$15 per ticket, available at Century Theatre only.  Phone bookings incur an admin fee. No concessions.

Official website www.ageofstupid.net

'The Age Of Stupid' is the new documentary-drama-animation hybrid fromDirector Franny Armstrong (McLibel,
Drowned Out) and Oscar-winning ProducerJohn Battsek (One Day In September, Live Forever, In the Shadow of theMoon).Oscar-nominated Pete Postlethwaite (In The Name of the Father, Brassed Off,The Usual Suspects) stars as an old
man living in the devastated world of2055. He watches 'archive' footage from 2008 and asks: Why didn't we stopclimate change when we had the chance?Runaway climate change has ravaged the planet by 2055. Pete plays thefounder of The Global Archive, a storage facility located in the (nowmelted) Arctic, preserving all of humanity's achievements in the hope
thatthe planet might one day be habitable again. Or that intelligent life mayarrive and make use of all that we've achieved. He pulls together clips of"archive" news and documentary from 1950-2008 to build a message showingwhat went wrong and why.

 350 Campaign

Dont forget 24th October is the day of global action to push the message to governments around the world how important it is to attend the summit in Copenhagen at the end of the year and push for big reductions in CO2 emmissions.  


Premiere of Food Inc - Transition HB Fundraiser

Wednesday 14th October, Cinema Gold Havelock North

Starts at 8pm for drinks and nibbles, movie screening at 8.30pm.

For movie trailer see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eKYyD14d_0

To book tickets, contact Environment Centre 870 4942 info@shbt.org.nz


 Back to The Futue Event Te Awanga 30th August 2009

We held the first of what will hopefully be a series of expo's to showcase ways to transition our communities to cope with Peak Oil and Climate change. The event was a great success with several hundred people attending throughout the day. A fuller report of the event is available in the local news section


Meetings and events in 2008   

Transition Hawke's Bay Forum Saturday 20th September 2008 , 7.30pm St. Lukes Church Hall, Te Mata Rd, Havelock North.


Tony Rogers (Energy Analyst) - Peak Oil

James Samuel (National Transition Towns NZ/Aotearoa Co-ordinator) - Transition Towns in NZ

Transition Hawke's Bay Members - Transition Hawke's Bay - local projects

Entry by $5 koha which includes light supper. All welcome!

Our First Project - A New Currency for Hawke's Bay

We are delighted to have our Hawke's Bay e-dollars community currency scheme up and running!

The Hawke's Bay Currency Exchange is growing fast with 70 members offering nearly 200 different goods and services.

It is free to join the Hawke's Bay Community Exchange, with the only pre-requisite being that you have something to offer the other members of the Exchange.

Register to join the Hawke's Bay eDollars scheme

For more information contact Duncan Kinnear on 876 1189.


Our Second Project - Survival Hawke's Bay

Survival HB is intended as a special-purpose subgroup, with the aim of making readily available information and resources likely to be useful for coping in the event that the fallout from peak oil - widespread financial decline, escalating fuel and food prices, the end of cheap imports, dramatically reduced tourism etc - arrives sooner rather than later. If Transition Towns is the equivalent of a Civil Defence long term Community Disaster Awareness Plan, then Survival HB would be the resources needed to survive if an earthquake hits the region tomorrow.

So far a preliminary website has been put together at survival.50webs.com which, after presenting a few quotes and thoughts on each topic at hand, then focuses on possible solutions - many of them as printable PDF downloads.

Realising that many people are still on dialup internet connections, making it impractical to download some of the larger documents, tentative work has begun on a format to also make many of the documents available on CD. See the Transition Hawke's Bay Survival Hawke's Bay page.


Transition Hawke's Bay Food Group

The first meeting of the food group was held on 12th June 2008 to look at actions and planning for an Energy Descent Action Plan for food and agriculture in Hawke's Bay.

To find out more, see the Transition HB Food Group page.


Transition Hawke's Bay Steering Group

The group meets every two to three weeks. The purpose of the steering group is to facilitate the formation of new sub groups in topic areas, and to facilitate the formation of new local area groups. In the longer term we hope to devolve to local groups - Transition Hawke's Bay is really just holding the space for a Transition Haumoana, Hastings or other area to get established as that is a better community level to work at. Go to the Steering Group page to find out more.


Hawke's Bay Local Area Groups

Waipawa - contact Skye Isaac on 06 857 7566

Contact the Steering Group to express an interest in setting up a local area group and to find out how we can support you to do so.


Local Resource Inventory

This page catalogues our existing and planned local resources - people, places and things we can draw on for expertise and inspiration when forming our energy descent action plan, and places we can go to to source local and/or useful products. It includes or will include such things as our existing local Environment Centre, where to buy wool, local organic veges etc. View the Hawke's Bay Inventory - and feel free to add to it.



Previous meetings and events (meeting minutes are held on the HB google group site for viewing):

21st August - Environmental Psychologist talk on  Managing Change

15-17th July CHOICES training for Sus'd campaign

3rd July 2009 TT meeting Enviro Centre

Meetings September - Steering Group, 12th Sep, Survival Group 18th Sep

Event: Transition Hawke's Bay stall at Sue Bradford & Henare O' Keefe's talk on Climate Change and Our Community 21st August

Meetings August 2008 - Survival Group, 7th Aug, Food Group 12th Aug

Event - 'Introduction to e$ Workshop' 15th July 2008

Meetings July 2008 - Food Group 2nd Jul, Survival Group first meeting 24th Jul, Steering Group Strategic Planning Meeting 26th Jul

Meetings June 2008 - Food Group Meeting 12th Jun

Event - 'Transitioning Hawke's Bay to a Low Energy Future: From Oil Dependence to Community Resilience' presentation by Duncan Kinnear, Thirsty Whale, Ahuriri, 7pm Wednesday 4 June Part of World Environment Day celebrations in Hawke's Bay.

Meetings May 2008 - Steering Group 8th May, 22nd May

Meetings April 2008 - Steering Group 24th Apr

Event - Cinema Screening of 'The Real Dirt on Farmer John' followed by Q&A with Farmer John Peterson and the producer in theatre, & Launch of Food Group, Wednesday 16th April

Event - Complementary Currencies for a Healthy Planet -"Miguel" Yasuyuki Hirota, & Launch of Currency Group, Monday 14th April

Meetings March 2008 - Steering Group & Open Meeting 27th Mar

Meetings February 2008 - Open Meeting 28th Feb, Steering Group Meeting 28th Feb

Meetings January 2008 - Open Meeting 23rd Jan

Meetings December 2007 Steering Group 17th Dec. Open meeting 13th Dec, Steering Group 3rd Dec

Meetings November 2007 - Open meetings 1st Nov, 15th Nov

Meetings September 2007 - Open meeting 27th Sep