Local Resource Inventory

Local Resource Inventory

On this page we can collate a list of local resources which will help us in our transition to relocalised communities in Hawke's Bay.


Sustaining Hawke's Bay Trust/Environment Centre Hawke's Bay

Sustaining Hawke's Bay Trust (SHBT) is a not-for-profit organisation and the authority on local sustainability issues. SHBT runs the Environment Centre and other projects such as Natural Waste Management, Trees for Hawke's Bay Nursery, Hawke's Bay Permaculture Group and Organic Farm NZ (Hawke's Bay). The Environment Centre is an information and education centre on all matters of sustainability and runs a comprehensive community education programme. www.shbt.org.nz

Survival Hawke's Bay Subgroup

Survival HB is intended as a special-purpose subgroup, with the aim of making readily available information and resources likely to be useful for coping in the event that the fallout from peak oil - widespread financial decline, escalating fuel and food prices, the end of cheap imports, dramatically reduced tourism etc - arrives sooner rather than later. If Transition Towns is the equivalent of a Civil Defence long term Community Disaster Awareness Plan, then Survival HB would be the resources needed to survive if an earthquake hits the region tomorrow.

Local Businesses

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