
Transition 'Towns' in or linked closely to Dunedin

Dunedin is a city enclosing rural space - often with other communities as well. Dunedin spreads out over the Otago peninsula too. With such a large land area termed 'Dunedin' for some purposes, it is not surprising that a number of Transition Towns or initiatives exist within the general Dunedin zone. Here is a list of other Transition Initiatives in, or linked closely to Dunedin:


north Dunedin

Port Chalmers


Steering Committee

A group of interested people are organising a steering committee for Transition Dunedin.

If you are interested in becoming involved in transitioning Dunedin, please contact us, and help get the ball rolling. Initiatives include movie nights and discussion groups, as well as working with Sustainable Dunedin City , which is already up and running.

Transition Dunedin Yahoo Group

We now have a Yahoo Group for Transition Dunedin which all interested members are welcome and invited to join. The group is located at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/transitiondunedin/

Our first steering committee meeting will be occurring sometime in November, followed by the first Transition Dunedin general meeting. All interested people are welcome to come to both or either or the meetings. Visit the Transition Dunedin Yahoo Group for further information, and to help decide venues and suitable dates for these events.


Here's the link to the forum dedicated to activities happening in the wider Dunedin Area and communities.