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Dunedin North
updated 17 Jun 2018
About the Valley and Catchment
Transport Group
We'd like to share - and hear about- some of the sustainability, biodiversity and community resilience projects NEV, Pine Hill and Opoho residents are involved in (actual or potential). We'd also just like the chance to connect/reconnect and have interesting conversations over simple delicious food. Bring some to share! All welcome. Data projector available for short presentations - contact Kristen by 12th April if you'd like to do this, with a sentence summary.
Saturday 17th May,2014 1pm Permaculture garden visit to Rory Harding and Kate Anderson's place on George St.
Sustainability Potluck Lunch Sun 13th October 2013 at the NEV Community Rooms
Community Orchard - August 2013
FREE Homemade Cleaners Workshop Friday 2nd August 2013 1-2pm
Transition Valley 473 Bike Fix It Days
Fruit tree pruning and planting
Fruit Tree harvest, preserving and baking - In partnership with Presbyterian support and DNI School
Transition Valley 473
Hi. We're a group of residents from North East Valley, Opoho, Dalmore, Liberton, Pine Hill, Normanby and Mt Mera in North Dunedin. We got together back in 2009 to help the Valley on our transition journey - coping with the climate, energy and economic changes that are coming. We welcome local residents to join us. Many TV473 members wear several 'hats', participating in other groups and initiatives related to sustainability and the environment. To get an idea of our interests and other groups we're connected with, scroll down the page. Please contact us to introduce yourself, if you'd like to know more tv473ig@list.king.net.nz .
Our interests include:
- Food & Gardening - see information below, sign up to the TV473 email list, or find us on facebook Community Orchard - 1000 Fruit and nut Trees
- Transport
- Biodiversity
- Energy and Housing, particularly improving old houses
Upcoming opportunities:
Community orchard working bees in NEV and Pine Hill. We'd love your help to care for the trees! Join our facebook page, or email us with your contact details so we can liaise about when and where!
Valley Community Workspace at 11 Allen St, NEV (Formerly Kings Garage and Automotive Museum). You may have heard about an exciting project some Transition Valley members are part of - developing a shared workspace in the Valley which is home to a number of exciting projects in line with our Transition Valley 473 objectives...bikes, electric cars and bikes, skill sharing.
VCW working group members have been meeting weekly since March, 2015 and have now formed an incorporated society. See http://valleyworkspace.org/ or find the Valley Community Workspace on Facebook
The Valley Community Workspace is open on Saturdays from 9.30am -12.30pm for bike fixing; then Makerspace opens from 1-5pm. You are welcome to come and look through the premises during this time. You can also visit 3.30 -6pm on Tuesdays for bike repairs and Thursday evenings 7-9pm for Makerspace.
If you have mechanical skills and would like to help with the bikes, please contact Peter Mc Donald 473 1681 or at TV473ig@list.king.net.nz. Peter is also looking for 'greeters', people who can make a regular commitment to be at the workshop to welcome anyone looking for a bike, and also to assess their needs/match them with a bike the right size. Full training will be given.
NEV Community Garden* and the Dalmore Reserve are two other great local food, skill sharing and community building initiatives happening in our area that TV473 members actively support. The NEV Community Garden is on the upper field above NEV School on North Rd. Working bees are held weekly at the moment, alternating between Saturday mornings from 9.00 am- 12pm and Sunday afternoons from 1.00pm - 4pm. To get on the Community Garden email list, contact garden@northeastvalley.org and check out their website https://sites.google.com/site/nevcommunitygarden/
The Dalmore Reserve Bandit Gardeners liaise by facebook, text and phone to arrange gardening get togethers.
More about the Community Orchard ~ 1000 Fruit and Nut Trees
As a community we are planning to look after ourselves and each other into the future when food and its transport become increasingly expensive. One way we can do this is by planting, and looking after, fruit and nut trees in our community.
Transition Valley 473 received some funding in 2010 to start planting fruit and nut trees as part of our Community Orchard - 1000 Fruit and Nut Trees Project. Initially, we asked for people in our area to identify possible planting sites on public land, and then consulted on these suggestions in the immediate neighbourhoods, via the Valley Voice, and with the DCC. As a result, we identified the areas of public land listed below in North East Valley and Pine Hill as places where trees could be planted for harvesting by the community.
Calder Ave where it turns into a footpath to Buchanan Street
Chingford Park
NEV Community Garden
Wilkinson Street
Pine Hill Park
In 2012 another site was identified - below Hislop St in Pine Hill, above the Northern Motorway.
We rely on local people to help with the ongoing care of the trees in their neighbourhood, and regularly hold workshops about tree care (including pruning), and preserving fruit. Please contact us at tv473ig@list.king.net.nz if you'd like to come along to occasional working bees.
Thanks to ... HEHA for providing financial support for this project, Dunedin City Council and Habitate (previously Sutherland Nurseries) for expert advice and support; and the Valley Voice and North East Valley School for their support.
Films for loan
Movie "HOME"- A Hymn for the planet. Released worldwide June 5th 2009
*TV473 has a high resolution version of the film 'Home' that was screened on Earth Day from (www.home-2009.com) via youtube (.flv) or converted to a normal DVD movie format. If anyone would like to borrow them, and perhaps watch it with friends/ neighbours etc, email Chris : bracey-browns at clear.net.nz
Also "A Farm for the Future". Produced by the BBC, this film asks the question how England could feed itself in a post-Oil, Climate Changed world. Some of the themes it explores are permaculture and no-till pasture systems.
Earthwhisperers. This absorbing documentary focuses on 10 visionary New Zealanders who are environmentalists, seed savers, organic growers...The film, by Kathleen Gallagher was shot at spectacular locations around New Zealand and is described as inspirational.
About the Valley and Catchment
The catchment of Lindsay Creek, which runs through North East Valley forms a potential transition community. We have a nacent community formed around such facilities as the Gardens retail area, and Dunedin North Intermediate and other schools. We cover both urban and rural land, and our population includes families, retirees and school and tertiary students. Our population is 3000+ and our phone numbers (mostly) start with 473....
Community sustaining initiatives running in the valley include the North East Valley News, a monthly newsletter /noticeboard published by the North East Valley Community Programme, and the North East Valley Community Development Project, which involves local schools and businesses to improve the welfare of residents. The report from the Project is available for download and summaries of key points appeared in the April and May 2009 issues of Valley News.
Transition Valley 473 aims to bring together the community to plan out - and live - our energy descent.
Join our mailing list for announcements:
At http://list.king.net.nz/listinfo/transitionvalley-announce
Join the Transport Groups's discussion list at http://list.king.net.nz/listinfo/tv-transport
You can also see the previous posts there, made since the list was started a few months ago.
Ongoing projects
Projects we are planning for the Valley include:
- Film and talk series
- Fruit and nut tree plantings
- Street based sharing of surplus and gardening support
- Sustainable transport - bikes, car sharing, electric trams or trolley buses.
- Community gardens
- A local currency
- Water - rain barrels
- Retrofittiing insulation
Transport Group
As part of our vision for sustainable transport, we are investigating ways to make the Valley safer and more pleasant for walkers and cyclists. We are looking for residents interested in transport issues - cycling, walking, public transport, electric vehicles - to join the transport group. We will be hosting practical events as well as visioning a better future transport system. If you are interested, see our page at http://www.transitiontowns.org.nz/node/3084
Previous Events
Thurs. 5th April 2018 10am -12pm Weeding and mulching at the community orchard at Chingford Park. Bring weeding tools, buckets, a wheelbarrow if possible. Want to help another day at the Pine Hill or NEV orchard sites. Let us know when and where suits you!
Sunday the 15 April 2018 6pm at the NEV Community Rooms - PotluckWe'd like to share - and hear about- some of the sustainability, biodiversity and community resilience projects NEV, Pine Hill and Opoho residents are involved in (actual or potential). We'd also just like the chance to connect/reconnect and have interesting conversations over simple delicious food. Bring some to share! All welcome. Data projector available for short presentations - contact Kristen by 12th April if you'd like to do this, with a sentence summary.
Electric vehicles/ e-car sharing - Brainstorming meeting -Sun 28th August 2016, 3pm at the VCW 11 Allen St.
The Government has a contestable fund to encourage the move to electric vehicles. "Projects that could be considered include: demonstrations of vehicle types not currently used in New Zealand, car sharing schemes that promote the use of electric vehicles and new ways of addressing transport demands, or projects that create and promote branded tourism routes using electric vehicles." Join us to brainstorm ideas about what you'd like to see.
Pot luck tea and 'pitch a project' with Transition Valley 473 members at the NEV Community Rooms ( by NEV School) Sunday 15th May 5-7pm. All welcome!
We'd like to share some of the community resilience/ sustainability projects TV473 members are involved in, and hear about others - actual or potential! We'd also just like the chance to connect/reconnect and have interesting conversations over some simple delicious food....
Informal 5 min. talks on the Community Orchard, 'Love the Lindsay'; bike/e-bike activities at the Valley Community Workspace, the weaving workshop* that will soon be moving in; creative, low-cost insulation ideas, electric vehicles and infrastructure....and more.
Bring a gold coin towards room hire, and some simple, healthy food to share please
Sunday 24th Jan. 2016 1-3.30pm Community orchard - catch up and weeding around the fruit trees and bushes at the NEV Community Garden, during their regular working bee, which are always a pleasure to attend! The trees are getting a great watering with all this lovely rain recently, but so are the weeds! Shears (or a scythe!) would be useful to combat the long grass.
Community orchard working bees at Chingford Park Friday 2nd Oct. 2015 - mulching, interplanting. Also in Pine Hill (date to be confirmed). Contact TV473 if you can help!
Community orchard plantings at Chingford Park: Working bee this Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd August 10am -12pm. Lots of volunteers needed! Bring spades, shovels, gloves, wheelbarrows,etc for digging and mulch moving. Contact Kristen on 0277795481 if weather is bad and we need to postpone. Otherwise, see you there!
In early June 2015, the community orchard group put in a proposal to the DCC requesting permission to move the 5 fruit trees that are currently in the area by the soccer field, to the sunnier area between the children's playground and the old swimming pool. The trees are not thriving in the damp area they are in now, and are still small enough to move. The details are in the proposal and map at the end of this webpage.
The DCC have approved this proposal and we have gained a DCC Small Project Grant to buy some dragons' gold kowhai to underplant, and a plum. We have wrenched the trees we are moving- what a huge job! Thanks to our volunteers for their hard digging. DCC contractors are going to help us move the trees - but we need lots of volunteers too!
Making your own seedraising mix from leaf mulch and lime
A perfect use for your autumn leaves. Pack fallen leaves loosely into a wool pack/sack with a little sprinkle of lime throughout. Secure top and store in a dry place away from direct sunlight. Aggravate/ mix every so often for 12 months. approx. Peat/high quality top soil or compost can be added after 12 months.
Dry leaves also make a great mulch.
Submissions to the government on NZ Climate Change document - by Wed. 3rd June 5pm, 2015
For the first time in six years the Government is asking New Zealanders for feedback on what New Zealand should be doing about climate change. They’re consulting on the commitments they will present the rest of the world at the UN climate summit in Paris this November.
A number of organisations have shared what they are submitting, and developed online tools, making it easy for others to borrow to tailor their own submission. Please make time to submit! Some Transition Valley 473 members have put in a group submission, as well as our individual submissions. Our submission is available at the bottom of this page as an attachment and here http://www.transitiontowns.org.nz/node/3896
Cosy Homes Expo
WHEN: Sunday, 3 May, 2015 1pm-4pm
WHERE: Valley Project community rooms, beside NEVN Scool, Northeast Valley
Ongoing - Weeding and mulching blitz at the community orchard sites in NEV and Pine Hill.
Wed. 6 May 2015 From 9.30am, starting at Wilkinson St Park, beside Pine Hill School. Weeding and mulching at the community orchard in Pine Hill. Bring weeding tools, shovel or bucket, wheelbarrow, warm clothes, rain coat, and water bottle. A knee pad is useful too. Contact: Maureen 021 235 0068021 235 0068
Sat. 9th May starting at 12pm , at Chingford Park. Pruning community orchard trees, over the bridge and to the right (across the creek from the soccer fields). Sarah will demonstrate how to prune fruit trees. Bring warm clothes, secateurs.
If you would like to help with the ongoing care of the 'community' trees, please let Kristen know so we can let you know dates and locations. TV473ig@list.king.net.nz
All help is appreciated!
Fri. 15th May, 2015 Community Potluck Feast
At DNI,School Hall ,34 North Road, Starting time 5pm celebrating the International Year of the Soils. Please let us know if any or you could be part of the "crew" on the evening itself and volunteer for one of the helper teams :-) email project@northeastvalley.org
Potluck tea/brainstorming/planning get together at the NEV Community rooms on Tuesday 27th Jan. 2015 at 6.30pm.
There are some exciting opportunities this year, working in partnership
with Oilfree Otago, the Project, BRCT, NEV Community Garden, Blokes Shed and others. For example, the use of the workshops on Allen St in NEV for bike fixing and electric car conversions; a 'cosy homes' expo and an electric bike expo/wheels event to piggyback on the NEV School fair on March 7th; new orchard plantings at Chingford Park; a 'trash to treasure recycling day; green 'waste' initiatives......You may have other ideas! Please join us!
Green 'waste' Wed. 22nd October from 5-6pm: Do you have ideas about how we could deal with green (garden or food) 'waste' better locally, turning it into a valuable resource? Come along to a meeting at the NEV Community Rooms, 262 North Rd to talk with others interested in exploring solutions.
Warmer homes: With the help of the Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust (BRCT), the Transition Valley 473 energy group is arranging energy reports for NEV and Pine Hill homes. These reports give residents tips on how to heat their homes better and achieve smaller energy bills.
Our aim is to improve the houses in our area so residents live in warmer, drier residences. We can offer independent advice and help people take advantage of the heating and insulation subsidies available.With winter coming now is a great time to find out how to heat your home better. If you are interested in getting a free energy report done for your home, contact Alex on 021 410 420021 410 420 or alex@king.net.nz
Sat. 13th Sept 2014 6.30pm Transition Valley 473: TED Talk - The Other Inconvenient Truth, discussion evening and pot luck dinner at the NEV Community Rooms (248 North Rd).
We would like to engage our community in a discussion about the issue of the environmental impacts of agriculture and what communities are doing about it, including ours. We'll also look at the trailer for Localising Food's Food Forest documentary. This film showcases inspiring community led initiatives throughout NZ - including Transition Valley's Community Orchard! http://localisingfood.com/ We hope you can join us!
About TED Talks - "TEDTalks" is the name given to a series of Internet lecture videos. The conferences take place in multiple places around the world, each aiming to share research, art, technology and ideas about the world that the directors of the group believe are "worth sharing." They are usually about 20 minutes in length.
Fruit tree grafting Sunday Sept 7th 1-4pm at DNI School.
Would you like to learn how to graft a fruit tree at a hands-on workshop? Grafting of young trees and re-grafting of old unproductive trees will be covered. Contact Kristen at tv473ig@list.king.net.nz or on 473 9535 to register. (Places limited). The cost of the workshop is $30p.p. This covers the cost of an apple rootstock, potting mix, scion wood and tuition. If you just want to learn the techniques, but don’t want a rootstock, it is $20p.p. Organised by TV473, the Dunedin Permaculture group and Jason Ross from Habitate.
Saturday 9th August, 2014 1 - 3pm Home energy tour.
Visit 1-3 local homes to see a range of energy efficiency measures. Contact Kristen to register your interest and to get details at tv473ig@list.king.net.nz, or 473 9535, or 027 779 5481027 779 5481
1pm - visit the first house (in Opoho). This has insulation and some higher cost measures: acrylic double glazing (magnetic); solar hot water; solar photovoltaic, heat pump.
1.30 visit the second house (Opoho): acrylic double glazing (DIY), insulation, shutters.
2pm visit the third house (in Normanby). This has a range of high and low cost measures: pelmets, seals on doors and windows, acrylic secondary glazing, heat pump, extra insulation in ceiling, wall and floor insulation,double glazing in existing timber sashes.
Sun 27 July at 1.30pm Fruit tree pruning at the NEV Community Garden
Fred Smith from the NEV Community Garden has offered to show anyone who is interested how to prune fruit trees during the regular Community Garden working bee, which goes from 1pm - about 3.30pm. This is a chance to get some hands on experience pruning. Fred worked on an orchard for many years. Bring secateurs and loppers if you have them. Also any berry plants or currant cuttings you'd like to swap or give away. (If it's rainy, we'll postpone). If you can't come to this, but would like to learn, contact Kristen as we also need to prune other Community Orchard trees.
Sat 19th July TV473 Home garden Visit 2-3pm, NEV
Winter is the time for dreaming about what you are going to do in your garden come the Spring! While gardens don't look their best this time of year, it's still a good time to see what others have done, and pick up new ideas. Alison has transformed the small garden at her rental property in NEV. She has 'reclaimed' the concreted area, and has a wide variety of food trees including apples, a plum, persimmon, fejoas, a lemon, crabapples, kiwiberry, and cranberry. Alison propogates many of her own plants and has deliberately planted a 'bee friendly' garden to provide forage over a long period. Contact me (Kristen) if you'd like to visit. Numbers limited as it really is a small garden!
Sunday 25th May 2014, 1pm Organ Pipes to Valley Walk
WHERE: Meet at NEV Community Rooms
Join us for a nature walk to look at the flora and fauna in our area. Organised by Transition Valley 473 Biodiversity Group
Saturday 17th May,2014 1pm Permaculture garden visit to Rory Harding and Kate Anderson's place on George St.
"George street orchard is in the sixth year of an evolution towards becoming an abundant, resilient, diverse and delicious garden. Our aim is to grow as much as we can of many foods we like to eat, in a way which builds soil, increases biodiversity and blurs the distinction between ornamental and utilitarian. To these ends, we emphasise perennial and self-seeding annual plants and work to mimic and encourage natural patterns. Our garden is structured primarily to accommodate about thirty species of trees, shrubs and vines for the sweet tooth; some well known and proven, others more rare, but all selected for being viable in, if not perfectly suited to our climate. Vegetables, medicinal herbs, chickens and mushrooms are coordinated and shuffled beneath."
Community apple juice-making day and preserves tasting/swapping Sat. 26th April 2014 10am-2pm
We had a lot of fun at this event, organised with the NEV Community Garden, the NEV Community project, and the Community Food Harvesting Group Dunedin. Thanks to Paul Cardno and his crew @ Waitati Open Orchards for lending us their genius insinkerator and apple press, and to all our helpers.
We pressed lots of end of season apples, harvested as part of the 'community harvest' (aee details in 'Previous events, below), swapped and tasted delicious preserves and baking with apples, and other produce. there was a steady stream of foot traffic between the apple pressing at the NEV Community room and the impressively productive and friendly NEV Community Garden.
Ongoing in March and April 2014: Fruit picking and preserving.
Transition Valley 473, 'The Dunedin Community Food Harvest Group', Presbyterian Support, and other volunteers are teaming up to do some community fruit picking, baking and preserving again. The aim of the community initiative is to build skills, reduce waste and make the most of local foods.
Volunteers and tree owners will get to keep a little produce themselves, with fresh produce going to the Food Bank, or being used in 'skill sharing workshops', or turned into delicious fresh apple juice. Skilled bakers and preservers and people who’d like to learn are invited to come along to the following events:
*Community baking and preserving workshop' on Sat. 29th March between 9am -2pm at Bathgate Park School’s Technology Room, Macandrew Rd, South Dunedin (tbc)
*Community baking and preserving workshop' on Sat. 5th April between 9am -2pm at Dunedin North Intermediate's Technology block at 34 North Rd, NEV.
Potluck Dinner and TED Talk Night Saturday 5th April 2014 7pm
Where: NEV Community Rooms (at the northern end of the North East Valley Normal School site at 248 North Rd).
There are many inspiring TED talks on sustainability themes, from 'Why buses represent democracy in action' (Enrique Penalosa); 'Investment logic for sustainability' (Chris Mc Knett); to 'The global food waste scandal' (Tristram Stuart). Come along for an evening of interesting viewing and discussion. We look forward to seeing you there! Everybody welcome.
Saturday 15th March 2014 Home garden visit in NEV at 2pm
Alison has transformed the small garden at her rental property in NEV. She has 'reclaimed' the concreted area, and has a wide variety of food trees including apples, a plum, persimmon, crabapples, kiwiberry, and cranberry. Alison propogates many of her own plants and has deliberately planted a 'bee friendly' garden to provide forage over a long period. Contact me (Kristen) if you'd like to visit. Numbers limited as it really is a small garden!
Sustainability Potluck Lunch Sun 13th October 2013 at the NEV Community Rooms
*****FIND OUT- about the Dunedin Time Bank, SHARE - Seed and Seedling Swap, BRING - your Bright Ideas*****
We plan a fun and informational lunchtime of SUSTAINABILITY ACTIVITIES, with
* Emma McGuirk coming to field our questions about the DUNEDIN TIME BANK and the exciting and useful ways it can work for us in our community.
* A SEED and SEEDLING SWAP. Please bring any excess from your garden or packets of seed! This is a great way to find out what can be grown here locally, and get some interesting plants for your garden.
* Bring your BRIGHT IDEAS for promoting Sustainability in the Valley (and surrounding suburbs). What are the opportunities? What should we be prioritising in our community? We would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.
Two events on one day... Saturday 7 Sept 2013 at DNI School Technology block on North Rd, NEV
10am - 2pm TV473 Free Bike Fix-it
* Bring your bike along for basic repairs or maintenance, so you can get cycling! Offers of help also welcome. Contact Peter
12.30pm - 2pm Homemade Cleaners workshop
Gold coin donation.
Maureen is a Sustainable Living Facilitator for the DCC and a member of TV473. She will share tips and recipes for making homemade eco-friendly cleaners, so you can avoid unnecessary packaging and harmful chemicals in your home, and save money. Please bring along your own tips and recipes! Places on this workshop are restricted to 14 and by RSVP only. To book your place please contact Maureen on 4739967 or mhoward@slingshot.co.nz
Fruit tree grafting workshop
We had a great workshop with Jason Ross from Sutherland Nursery on Sunday Sept 1st , grafting scions for different cultivars of apples, pears and plums. The scions were taken at the beginning of July, when the trees are fully dormant. Some of the scions were taken from trees harvested as part of the recent community fruit harvest, when we identified some trees with delicious fruit that appear to do very well in our area.
Jason demonstrated the grafting technique, then got us all practising on other non-essential cuttings, until we got the hang of it.
Thanks to Jason and his assistant, Rory, for their encouragement and patience, and to DNI for letting us use the school facilities again. Great to know that there will be about 40 more fruit trees planted in gardens in NEV and Dalmore as a result of this workshop!
Community Orchard - August 2013
Thanks to the volunteers who mulched the hazelnuts at Wilkinson St Park in Pine Hill recently. They are looking so much better in their new drier location on the other side of the park. Thanks also to Terisha Hubbard who pruned the trees at Chingford and Keri Eastwood, who helped plant the latest addition - a Kentish Full Basket heritage apple that was donated by Shef Rogers as a birthday present for his wife. Finally, thanks to the hard workers from taskforce Green who helped extend the mulched area around the trees at Chingford Park to make it easier for the mower.
FREE Homemade Cleaners Workshop Friday 2nd August 2013 1-2pm
· Avoid unnecessary packaging and harmful chemicals in your home by making your own eco-friendly and cost-effective cleaners!
· Share tips and recipes for cleaning your home with your own homemade cleaners!
At the NEV Community Room beside NEV School
FACILITATOR: Maureen Howard, Sustainable Living Facilitator for the DCC, and Transition Valley 473 member.
Maureen will share tips and recipes for making your own homemade cleaners. Please bring your recipes to share, and a couple of glass jars with tight fitting lids to take away your samples. Places on this workshop are restricted to 14 and by RSVP only. To book your place please contact Maureen on 473 9967 or mhoward@slingshot.co.nz
Transition Valley 473 meeting Sunday 4th August 10am-11am
At the NEV Community Room. Getting around Dunedin by bike. Guest speaker: Charlotte Flaherty from the DCC will update us on initiatives to make it safer and easier for people to cycle in Dunedin, including NEV. All welcome.
Cuttings from currants and raspberry canes:
Have some to swap or give away? Want to find out how to take some?
Join us on Sat 13 July at 1pm. Contact Kristen for details
Pruning fruit trees on Sat 15 June 2013 at 2pm
This year we are joining up with the Dunedin Vege Growers Club for a pruning workshop at East Taieri . Contact Kristen re carpooling, or for details.
Vege garden visit Sat 1 June 10am -11.30am
Kat Lilly, a NEV resident, avid gardener and scientist, has offered us a tour of her vege garden in Bouverie St, NEV. Kat gave a really interesting talk about lead contamination in soils at a recent Permaculture meeting. She has tested her garden for lead and had to take some pretty drastic steps as a result of lead contamination. She has a very productive and interesting garden. Numbers are limited; bookings required. Contact Kristen.
Community fruit tree harvesting and preserving
Feb-May 2013
Do you have fruit trees that you don't harvest or need help to pick? Could you help pick fruit? Do you know how to preserve the fruit, or would you like to learn?
Sustainable Dunedin City, Transition Valley 473, Presbyterian Support, and other volunteers are teaming up to do some community fruit picking and preserving.
Volunteers could preserve in their own homes, perhaps with the help of neighbours, friends or family, or at a 'community preserving workshop'. All volunteers and tree owners will get to keep a little produce themselves, with most of the produce going to the Food Bank.
Contact Kristen on 473 9535, or 027 779 5481027 779 5481, or at tv473ig@list.king.net.nz to offer your fruit tree, volunteer to pick, or to preserve.
We especially need trees that have ripe fruit now!
We have already had fun preserving plums, pears and zucchini... making plum jam, plum chutney, bottled plums, zucchini pickle, Pear chutney, bottled pears, apple and pear crumble...Yum!Thanks to Dunedin North Intermediate School for letting us use their Technology room free of charge, and all our volunteers - experienced and beginners.
Here is a bit more about this project from a Channel 9 interview
and the ODT http://www.odt.co.nz/lifestyle/magazine/251091/gift-keeps-giving
All volunteers and tree owners will get to keep a little produce themselves, with most of the produce going to the Food Bank.
Contact Kristen on 473 9535, or 027 779 5481027 779 5481, or at tv473ig@list.king.net.nz to offer your fruit tree, volunteer to pick, or to preserve.
We especially need trees that have ripe fruit now!
Beekeeping tour Waitangi Day 2013
There has been growing interest in bees, so we asked experienced beekeeper, Colin Fitzpatrick, to give us a look inside the hives at the NEV Community garden and his top bar hive. It was fascinating! Thanks to Otto and Tim for lending us beesuits so we could get up close without fear!
Weeding blitzes at the community orchard sites. Bring a friend! Plenty of weeds for everyone!
First blitz at Pine Hill Park on Sun 10th Feb 2013 at 1pm. Pine Hill Rd, opposite the red dairy
Second blitz at the NEV Community Garden on Sat 16th Feb 2013 9.30am-12pm. Upper field of NEV School, North Rd
Wed 14th Nov. 2012 - Backyard Biodiversity Talk
Tahu Mackenzie, an Education Officer for Orokonui Ecosanctuary, will give a talk on what we can do to improve biodiversity in our area. At the Baptist Valley Church on the corner of Calder St and North Rd
Nov 11th 2012- Transition Valley 473 will be at the Salvation Army's 'Party in the Carpark'
We will have vege seeds and seedlings to swap or give away, and information about free energy audits to make your house warmer and healthier.
Mon. 12th Nov. 2012 Energy Group meeting
Contact transitionvalley@king.net.nz, or phone Alex on 929 1133
Transition Valley 473 Bike Fix It Days
Tune up and or repair your bike for Spring, with help.Dunedin North Intermediate School, Saturday 8 September 10.00am to 2.00pm.
If you have unused storage space that could be used for bikes and parts pending fixing, please contact Peter on 473 1681 .
Sat 25 August - Growing the community orchard in Pine Hill
Meet at 2pm at 73 Hillary St. We will be planting a walnut and 3 sweet chestnuts below Hillary St and above the Northern Motorway. Also a couple of fruit trees - an apple and a greengage to begin with. If you know anyone successfully growing a peach or citrus trees in this area, please contact us.
Fruit tree pruning and planting
Did you miss the workshop with local arborist, Peter Waymouth? Would you like to learn how to prune your fruit trees with help from a 'buddy' or to help someone else prune theirs? Contact Kristen at TV 473 or check out these websites for further information
Otepoti Organics update - Backyard orchards
A couple of excellent podcasts on fruit tree pruning - Jason Ross, July 12 on http://www.oar.org.nz/browse-podcasts/
Gardening with Kath Irvine: pruning
Planting a shrub or fruit tree video (American; shows technique well though you probably don't have to amend the soil as much as shown. Link suggested by Peter Waymouth)
Pruning a young fruit tree video (American; shows technique well. Link suggested by Peter Waymouth)
Sutherlands Nursery for heritage fruit trees and ones well suited to Dunedin growing conditions
Kiwifruit pruning workshop
Saturday 28 July 2012 1- 3 pm
Learn how to prune kiwifruit and have a go on four well-established vines in Dalmore, 1 male and 3 female. Take cuttings away to try growing them.
$5 donation if you can, maximum 10 people. Contact Kristen for more information or to book a place on 473 9535 or email tv473ig@list.king.net.nz.
Backyard Biodiversity in the Valley - Talk by Dr Yolanda van Heezik
Thursday 31st May 2012, 7pm
Is your garden home to skinks or fantails? What can you do to make it more wildlife friendly? As a community, could we create a bird corridor that eventually connects with wildlife overflowing from the Orokonui Ecosanctuary?
You are invited by Transition Valley 473 to a talk by Dr Yolanda van Heezik from the Zoology Department at the University of Otago. Recently Yolanda participated in an indepth study of the biodiversity in gardens in Dunedin and how important the urban environment is to birds, lizards and insects in our region. Some of the results of this study are now available for the first time!
Yolanda’s talk will be followed by a discussion about what we as a community can do to protect what we have and to work together to create a biodiversity rich environment.
Growing the community orchard at Chingford Park- Sat 5th May, 2012 at 1pm
Come along and help TV473 plant thornless blackberry, black currants and feijoa by the playground at Chingford Park. Be part of improving local food supply and resilience in preparation for climate change and the impacts of peak oil. This is part of a 350.org day of action to draw attention to the impacts of climate change http://act.climatedots.org/event/impacts
Fruit Tree harvest, preserving and baking - In partnership with Presbyterian support and DNI School
We have harvested the fruit. Now we are looking for helpers to bake and preserve with it.
When: Monday and Tuesday 16-17th April, 2012, 12pm-7pm
Where: DNI Cooking Room, 34 North Road, NEV
Please bring: Jars (if you have any spare) and a packed lunch/dinner for yourself or family if you will be staying the day.
The produce will be shared between the volunteers, fruit tree owners and food banks in Dunedin.
If you would like to volunteer to help harvest and/or preserve please phone Amanda Brown on 4700851 or email amandab@psotago.org.nz. Or contact Kristen on 473 9535 or TV473ig@list.king.net.nz
TV473 Heart and Soul Group: DVD screening on Marshall Rosenberg's four part Nonviolent Communication process (www.nonviolentcommunication.com)
This is with a view to forming a group who will support each other to learn to incorporate this communication style into our daily lives. Beginning on Monday 19th March 7pm at Francine and Alex's home in Normanby. Contact them for address and for more info. Ring Ph 4780874 (work evenings and weekends).
Mulching at Chingford Park during the NEV Community picnic Sun 18 March 2012 12-2pm.
Also at Pine Hill Park at 10am on Sunday 18 March, followed by Wilkinson St.
Bring a spade, wheelbarrow and gardening gloves if you can!
If you would like to help or find out more about any of the community orchard sites (Calder St, Chingford, NEV community garden, Wilkinson St and Pine Hill Park), contact Kristen Bracey 473 9535. Looking after the trees does not involve a lot of time but we desperately need some more helpers - many hands make light work! we need people to just keep an eye on the trees and report if they need some care, and for occasional mulching and weeding.
EXPLORING THE CRITTERS OF LINDSAY CREEK - Sat 10th March from 11am-1pm at Chingford
Transition Valley 473 is launching a new series of activities focused on protecting and enhancing urban biodiversity in our community. The first activity “Explore Lindsay Creek” is planned for Saturday 10th March. Everyone interested in the health of our stream and enhancing our urban biodiversity is welcome. Dr Marc Schallenberg, who is a freshwater ecologist, will help us identify the invertebrate and fish life present in Lindsay Creek and check how healthy our stream is.
Meet by gate to Chingford Park on North Rd. Contact Maureen Howard on 4739967 for more details. Please bring gumboots and a packed lunch. Hot refreshments will be provided for people who bring a re-usable cup.
Valley Community Expo Wednesday October 12th 2011 3:00pm - 7:00pm at DNI school hall. (Pine Hill, North East Valley, and Opoho).
A free expo to help promote community health and wellbeing, and showcase choices and opportunities the community has around education, health, activities and support.
TV473 will have a stall promoting low carbon transport, energy efficiency, local food production and economy.
The Food and Garden group has vege seeds and currant cuttings to give away. Please bring any of your own you'd like to share or swap.
Moving Planet day event on Sat 24th Sept 2011 !! www.350.org
Moving Planet is a worldwide rally to demand solutions to the climate crisis—a single day to move away from fossil fuels.
Come on bike, on skates, on a board, or on foot. Come with your neighbors and your friends, your family and your co-workers. Come be part of something huge. It's time to get moving on the climate crisis.
DNI from 10am -3pm
10 am - 1pm Low carbon transport event:
Get help to give your bike a 'Spring tune up' and basic repairs so you can get cycling. See the display of electric bikes, bicycle trailers, other people-powered vehicles - come along and show off your low-carbon transport, and try others
11.30am Talk on benefits of barefoot walking and running
12.30 -3pm live music and interactive stalls - learn ways to live more sustainably and reduce your carbon footprint, ask the expert, free give-aways from the Eco Store and more, including: TV473's Food and Garden Group - We have currant cuttings and vege seeds to give away or swap. If you have cuttings, seedlings or seeds to share, please bring them along!
Pruning workshop - Sat 27 August 2011,10am-12pm.
Learn how to prune fruit trees with Peter Weymouth. Gold coin donation.
"Money as debt". Thurs 11 Aug 2011 at 7pm at the North East Valley Baptist Church.
This time we'll watch the whole film!
Transition Valley 473 is holding a Film Evening and Discussion around the film "Money As Debt". Pot Luck Supper and Gold Coin donation appreciated. For information contact Peter 473 1681, 027 379 4388027 379 4388, peterd0n@clear.net.nz.
Workshop on planting fruit trees on Saturday 18th June 2011 at the NEV Garden
There is more to getting your fruit trees off to a healthy start than you might think and the group will demonstrate how to check you have chosen the right site for the particular tree, and how to prepare the hole.
Mulching at Pine Hill Park - Sat 18th June at 11am.
Come along and help look after our growing community orchard!
Public Meeting Thurs 9th June 2011- Peak Oil and the economy of North East Valley NEV Baptist Church, corner of North Rd and Calder St
TV473 is hosting a meeting in June focusing on the implications of Peak Oil and Climate Change on our local economy. How will we fare when Peak Oil begins to bite, how will the products we buy change, and how can we prepare ourselves? The meeting will feature film segments, short talks and community discussion. This meeting will be the birth of the new TV473 Economy and currency group.
As a starting point here are two main themes. One is the idea of trading locally to support local enterprises and individuals - from the supermarket to the local tradesperson for mutual benefit. The second is strengthening local networks using other mediums of exchange to get more resiliency and sustainability into the local economy. Examples range from more formal set ups like complementary currency circuits for businesses and time banking for individuals, to informal assistance networks between neighbours and friends.
The goal is a richer network of connections within the Valley a higher level of mutual support and a healthier local economy - healthier in terms of needs met rather than purely money-based indicators. In this area we acknowledge the current efforts of the North East Valley Community Development Project and Valley Voice as working to similar ends.
Did you miss James Hansen's talk? You may be interested in the open letter he wrote to John Key or other papers he has written about climate change as a scientific, moral and legal issue.
Fruit tree and vegetable gardening workshop at the new NEV Community Garden (the upper field above NEVN School) on Saturday 14th May 2011 10am – 12noon.
Wear your gumboots and bring along your gardening gloves!
Help (or learn how to) choose good sites for planting fruit trees and currant or berry bushes. We will prepare the holes, ready for planting in a couple of months time.
We will also be preparing a vegetable garden from scratch and putting in some winter vegetables. Come and see how it’s done, or to lend a hand. Here is a You Tube clip of one way of preparing a 'no dig garden' we will demonstrate.
Want to learn how to improve soil that is less than ideal for vegetable growing? The community garden site has acidic soil and poor drainage and we will be taking steps to address this.
These are collaborative workshops brought about by Transition Valley 473, NEV Community Garden, Healthy Eating Healthy Action Funding and the NEV Community Project.
Public Meeting with Dr Glen Koorey, Thursday 28th April 7:30pm at the Valley Baptist Church Hall, 268 North Road.
Slowing traffic on North Road
(see the outcome of the meeting at http://www.transitiontowns.org.nz/node/3084)
TV473's transport group are pleased to host a public meeting to discuss slowing traffic speeds on North Road. Dr Koorey will discuss research from New Zealand and overseas highlighting advantages of slowing traffic, and explain how to get speed limits changed.
Submissions on the DCC's annual plan - due by12th April 2011.
TV473 made submissions to the DCC on food and transport.
Our draft submissions are on the Transition Towns website. Look under Community - Forums - Dunedin area.
Vegetable garden tour and seed-saving advice Sunday 13th March 1-4pm.
Visit a very productive vegetable garden in North East Valley and pick up seed-saving tips from the owner, Paul, and Bart from Otepoti Organics. Seeds being saved include peas, beans, silverbeet, parsnips, garlic. Bring along a gold coin donation, seeds for swapping or a little money for seed purchases. Share vegetable gardening advice over afternoon tea. Limited to 20, so contact Kristen if you are interested by email to tv473ig@list.king.net.nz
Fix your bike and get cycling!
Sat 29th January 2011, 10am-12pm at Pine Hill School and Crooked Spokes workshop, 111 Moray Place.
Volunteers will help you do basic repairs (eg fix flat tyres and punctures), at Pine Hill School. If more complex repairs are needed, we will have a van and trailer to take you and your bike to Crooked Spokes workshop. They have lots of tools and spare parts, and experienced bike-fixers. They also have some secondhand bikes, including children's bikes, which could be yours, if you help with the repairs!
If you would like more information, or to volunteer, contact Kristen at tv473ig@list.king.net.nz or on 473 9535.
Saturday 23rd October 2010- Mulching at the community orchards - Chingford Park, 2pm, just over the bridge and to the right; Wilkinson Street, 2pm, followed by Pine Hill Park at approx 3pm.
10/10/2010 - Bike fixit day and Local Food Picnic - 10 th October - Big Green Challenge - Note some changes to the plan due to the weather :(
Transition Valley 473 transport group are organising bike fixup morning on the 10th of October.
Starting at 10am at Dunedin North Intermediate School, there will be a bike fixup morning. You don't necessarily need to spend a lot of money to get cycling. If you have a bike in your shed or garage that needs some attention, get it out and bring it along. People will be on hand to help with fixing flat tyres and minor repairs.
There are probably hundreds of little-used bikes in people's sheds and garages, and with spring coming now is a good time to get them out and tune them up. We want to encourage more cycling in the Valley, it's good for your health and the environment. The cycle paths down the valley are a great start to making cycling safe. The valley could be Dunedin's "capital of cycling"
There will be a picnic lunch with Waitati Transition Town folk, the Free Shop and others at 1pm. Bring food for a picnic, the theme is local food so maybe you can include something from your own garden or the Farmers' Market, or something else you know was grown in Dunedin. This will be a family friendly event, there will be activities organised for children and entertainment for all ages.
See the bike fixup event page at http://www.350.org/nev-bike-fixup See the picnic event page at http://www.350.org/local-food-picnic-extravaganza
June 19 2010- Fruit and nut tree planting: 10am-12pm at Chingford Park, followed by Calder St and 12.30 - 2.30pm at Wilkinson St, followed by Pine Hill Park. Jason Ross will show how to correctly plant the fruit and nut trees that have been selected. We have prepared the holes at our recent 'digging' working bees, mixing in horse manure and removing stones.
Saturday 15 May 2010, 2 pm, has been scheduled for digging holes in preparation for the fruit and nut tree planting in Winter. Meet at your closest site - Chingford Park (Across the stream to the right, after the sports ground); Calder Ave; Wilkinson St, Pine Hill Park.
Saturday 24th April 2010- Fruit and Nut Tree Workshops.
Free- thanks to funding from Otago District Health Board’s Healthy Eating, Healthy Action (HEHA)
Jason Ross from Sutherland Nursery will visit four selected sites to meet with interested locals ahead of the fruit and nut tree planting in June. He will explain how to choose what species and cultivars are suitable for a site and how to prepare for planting. Come along to a site near you!
12pm Chingford Park, by the sports ground; then at the southeast corner of the park, past the old swimming pool, near the stream.
1pm top of Calder St, NEV
2pm Wilkinson Street Playground, Pine Hill
3.00pm Pine Hill Park
Tree species being considered are hazelnut, chestnut, walnut, elderberry, mulberry, apple, pear, plum.
If you have produce made from any of these, please bring along a little to share and your recipe! Cuttings to share would also be great.
Final decisions about what to plant will be made after these workshops and the trees will be planted in June. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Philippa on 473 9293.
Seed Saving Workshop Sunday 28 February, 2010 1 pm.
Transition Valley 473 is holding a seed-saving workshop, led by Bart Acres of Otepoti Urban Organics and Symbiosis Seed Exchange. Learn how to harvest and store your own vegetable seeds.
$5/$3. Afternoon tea included. Please phone Philippa 473 9293 to book.
WHEN: Monday 15th February,2010, 7-9pm
WHERE: Dalmore
WHAT TO BRING: 1-2 books
Do you have some books that have made a positive impression on how you think or feel about nature, sustainable living or community? Would you like to hear about what books other people recommend on this topic? If so we would love to see you at our Sustainability Book Night!
This Book Night is being run for people living in the wider Valley area (Pine Hill, Dalmore, Opoho, NEV or Normanby). For more information or to register please contact Maureen on 4739967 or Polly on 4739391 or email mhoward@slingshot.co.nz.
PS - We'd also love to hear from you if you would like to be part of a sustainability themed Bookclub.
350.org Event, Oct 2009
Transition Valley 473 held a 350.org event in Baldwin Street on Saturday October 24rd 9-10am as part of the world-wide 350 campaign on climate change. We and the community created a living scale on Baldwin Street to show the 350 carbon parts per million target. Well done and thanks to all (particularly Tania and Kevin). Links to Dunedin video and photos. This was the most widespread day of political action in history with 5200 events in 181 countries (http://www.350.org/). Now on to Copenhagen where we require our leaders to commit to the right (needed) actions. Keep up the pressure on the NZ government.
Retrofitting Insulation in Houses
The Waitati TT and Dunedin Schemes have successfully completed (June 2009). More information on new projects from EECA and the government press release there.
Food and Garden
Seed & Seedling Swap
The seed and seedling 19th Sept 2009 at the Gardens New World supermarket was a successful event. There were 3 or 4 of us on the stall for the two-hour timeslot and we were kept pretty busy! Thanks to all who contributed, particularly Bart of the Symbiosis Seed Exchange (and Otepoti Urban Organics), Ross, Keri, Kristen and Polly. We swapped, gave away and offered for donation a number of cuttings, seeds and seedlings. Some people brought things to swap, but most were happy to give a donation, and we raised money in donations which will be put towards future Food & Garden group activities.
Symbiosis Seed Exchange
If you are interested in getting seeds or contributing some to this new local seed exchange, please contact Bart at otepoti.urban.organics@gmail.com
Friday 2 October 2009 at 12 noon Alex Huffadine from the Cromwell campus of Otago Polytech will talk about fruit tree growing for the home garden. Venue: Botanic Garden centre between the top gardens carpark and the Opoho Bowling Club. Free.
Lots of good ideas were shared at the 'brainstorming' meeting in May and we heard about some great initiatives that are already happening. For example, produce and cuttings are being shared via "Freecycle" You can register on www.freecycle.org. Several people have offered to teach anyone who is interested how to take cuttings and to make preserves. We held a fruit tree pruning workshop in July anyone want to host this in their garden and have their trees pruned? Are you planting fruit or nut trees this winter? If so, let us know so we can add them to our register and help us reach our target of 1000 fruit and nut trees planted in the wider Valley area. If you have ideas, or want to be contacted about 'food and garden' happenings, contact Philippa.
Sutherland Nursery's first open day on Feb 28th was a great success. Jason Ross is a mine of information about growing fruit trees. He gave us tips for successfully raising apple trees at home, producing good crops without needing great labour or effort to prevent pests and disease.
The Great Edible garden tour was held on 22nd March 2009. We are planning a couple of edible garden tours in the Transition Valley area for November. Gardens are to be confirmed. If you know of any great gardens that we could visit in November or later, let Adrianne ( 473-0995) know.
Films and Education
Dunedin Rideshare workshop, was held by the DCC on Thursday 6 August, 2009 12 - 2.30pm
Earth Whisperers/ Papatuanuku film screening, Friday August 14th
End of Suburbia was screened on 14th May.
Power of Community was screened at four locations on the 16th, 17th, 18 & 19th of March.
Our first event, a talk titled "Is our community resilient enough?" and held 12 February 2009 attracted about 70 people.
Water, stormwater and waste
TV 473 was invited to contribute to the development of these aspects of the DCC's draft TLCCP. The following issues were raised:
- the urgent need for the DCC to plan for climate change and sea level rise;
- managing (and reducing) the demand for resources, for example through promotion of rainwater collection, greywater reuse and composting toilets, through bylaw changes and grants/loans/education/DCC investigation into their use;
- the improvement of our existing water, stormwater and sewerage systems to a high standard;
- stormwater - provision of cigarette butt collection with all litter bins, more litterbins, more public recycling bins, education programmes
- upgrading of sewage to tertiary treatment by 2011 as stipulated, reuse of treated material e.g. compost, mulch
We created a page on 'giving away to a good home' reusable goods in the North East Valley area (link).
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