Sutherland Nursery Open Day

Sutherland Nursery grows heritage and disease resistant fruit trees and berry fruits for easy care home growing in the lower South island. They are located right next to our Transition Valley area in north Dunedin.

Everyone is welcome to come see the nursery, hear about how its run, how to grow fruit trees at home, see some interesting fruit, ask questions and meet other fruity folk.

Transition Valley are promoting this event as a practical step towards our goal of establishing 1000 new fruit trees in our catchment.

Volco Park Farm is halfway between Waitati and North East Valley (approx 8km from each end) look for the sign!

  • 1-2pm Nursery Tour, nursery director Jason Ross will relate the description of the nursery growing process to how you can grow good fruit at home.
  • 2-4pm Open Nursery, fruit Tasting (bring yours along too), cups of tea, cider etc.

Sutherland Nursery's contact details are on their website,

Location / Venue: 
Volco Park Farm, Rapid 524 Mt Cargill RD.