

Discussion about how to interact with the media

Web site videos

These are intended to be viewed in order from first to last, but feel free to skip ahead if you're technically savvy

Quick introduction for editors

Editing a page

Linking between pages

Uploading images into the gallery - 7.5 Mb

Inserting images into your pages

Inserting youtube clips (and other movies) - 4 Mb

More advanced ways of organising your content

More advanced ways of organising your content - setting the size of the intro

Adding news stories - 10.2 Mb

Some people can play the videos but don't hear any sound. If this is the case, you're probably not using quicktime to play the video. I noticed that VLC on windows has this issue.

Using email effectively

I know you think you know how to use email, but I've found that most people struggle to keep up... Watch the below videos to learn how to make the most of your email program

How to set up mail filters in outlook express

How to set up mail filters in thunderbird