Transition Communities Waitakere

Transition Communities Waitakere isn't a transition steering group per se, rather, our mission is to inspire and support other transition groups to form in Waitakere City. We are composed of people from both the private and the public sector. We are also lucky in that Waitakere City Council is favourably inclined toward the Transition Movement and is willing to engage with us and occassionally help us out with things. That said they understand the grass roots nature of this movement and don't try to interfere.


We had a first event on July 31st 2008, which invited people already involved with community building at some level or other. Ron Sperber and James Samuel gave a presentation which was very well received, followed by forming a human map of Waitakere City. This let people work out who was from nearby and allowed for natural local(ish) groups to be created which set to the task of mapping resources in the community.


The next event is on September 19th, Common House at Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood, 457 Swanson Rd, Ranui, Waitakere City.

"Sustainability and the Transition - acknowledging the constraints" presented by

Dr Susan Krumdiek, Assoc Prof Engineering, University of Canterbury

Koha gratefully accepted, please park on roadside.


To get in touch with us email