Is our community resilent enough to stand up to energy, climate and economic shocks?

Transition  Valley presents the first of a series of talks and films along with community discussion which will lead on to practical projects.

Dugald MacTavish , an environmental scientist from the Hampden-Moeraki community will describe how that community informed themselves of the challenges of Peak Oil and Climate Change, and how they decided to respond.

We welcome residents of North East Valley, Opoho, Dalmore, Liberton, Pine Hill, Normanby and Mt Mera, to come, bring your neighbours and be part of the solution.

The format of the meeting will be a welcome, folowed by three short talks and video clips where the issues of peak oil, climate change and possible economic difficulties are covered.  Dugald will then give his talk, question time, and we will have a brief presentation of the current steering group's ideas for future events in our community.  The fomal part of the evening will wrap up at 8:45pm

After that there will be light refreshments and time for more talking and feedback.

Throughout the evening there will be a opportunities for anyone who wishes to give feedback, ask questions and suggest ideas for Transition Valley 473.

Location / Venue: 
North East Valley Baptist Church Hall, North Dunedin