Free or near free- giving away reusable goods

Some ways of giving away goods you no longer need but wish to go to a good local home.

This depends a lot on what you have, but sometimes its not easy to find a good match for things you think others might find useful. Please edit and add to this page as needed. Some of these routes are old and some new.

This page will focus on the North East Valley 473 area. The list is ordered from doorstep, outward.

1. Ask your neighbours or put it out on the street with a sign to give away

Examples: furniture, demolition material, firewood

2. Have a garage sale, with some things to give away- list in the Gardens supermarket or Otago Daily Times.

3. List on Dunedin Freecycle:

A little complicated to set up- done by email rather than the web, emails from people giving things away.

Examples: cuttings, fruit, produce

4. List on the Waste Exchange ( Its mainly focused on the northern South Island, but has some Dunedin listings (

Examples: Industrial packaging, demolition material, barrels

5. List on Donated goods go to Schools, Charities etc,

You can search for what others are wishing for.

Examples: Good Computer Monitors, Office Equipment

6. Give it away to a charity.

Donate to the Salvation Army Thrift Shop, or St Martins Church Market, or put clothes in the containers in the Gardens Supermarket car park.

Examples: clothes, books, furniture, items that can be put in the shop

7. Take it to the Envirowaste Transfer station in Wickliffe St and put it in the reusable section.

Examples: larger items

8. Take it to the Resource Recovery Centre at Green Island.

9. Old computer components, printers, speakers, (e-waste) for recycling. Free except for CRT monitors ($10). Derek King (General Manager) at Cargill Enterprises on  or at 03 4555 119 if you have units to be E-cycled. 199 Hillside road.

Once a year there is an ewaste collection in Dunedin and elsewhere ( Last one was 12th Sept 2009.


Useful links:

Localeye Christchurch have a good list- Is there something similar for Dunedin?

Dunedin Enviroment Centre Trust:

Download the Dunedin Recycling Guide from here: