
Susan Krumdieck's picture

Resilience and Sefl Reliance

What do global risks mean for NZ’s wellbeing?

‘Wise Response’ is Seeking Your Support for Parliament to Endorse a Risk Assessment for New Zealand Via our Avaaz petition: » Read more

Atamai Village – Are We There Yet?

Transition Towns and Atamai – Common Goal, Different Approach

The Transition Towns movement is about adapting existing communities to the impending challenges of climate change and energy descent, and the resulting economic and social disruption these challenges are already beginning to create in various parts of the world.   One of the challenges for the Transition Towns movement is whether changes to existing communities can o » Read more

kelvnator's picture

Designers for a resilient future converge on Turangi..

The 11th Australasian Permaculture Convergence, April 11 – 15th, will see more than 500 people involved in planning, designing and creating a resilient future. With peak oil, climate change and an unsustainable monetary system impacting us from all directions this event comes at a time when we need it most. » Read more

AndrewTTK's picture

Will New Zealand be the first developed country to evolve a steady-state economy?

Absolutely great article about the possibilities for New Zealand.

As long as we can get the New Zealand politicians to read and understand these concepts.

Useful reference info for transition - content request

The Sustainable Living Education Trust will be re-designing its content in 2011 to make more information available  on the website at and also providing gateways to the information plus neighbourhood study groups and classes via pages for each participating council area. We invite suggestions from TT participants across New Zealand on what info resources would be most useful, to test against those we have and are planning. To discuss call Rhys on 021 462 260 or email from the SL website.

Love in a small town

The true heart of a community is its people - Go Lyttelton - you are a total inspiration!

Love in a Little Town from James Muir on Vimeo.

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NZ Government is Anti-Resilience

I don't believe the government has any intention of taking steps to build resilience or even to take steps to create the conditions for communities to create resilience for themselves. I believe the government are actively hostile to the concept of community resilience. I believe a government of the left would equally be hostile to community resilience but they would use bureaucratic rather than economic means to undermine resilience. » Read more

Supermarkets are not resilient systems

It's not a new idea, but in the current circumstances it becomes more clear, that our industrialised, centralised, corporate food systems, do not represent a resilient system.

No doubt, they have done a remarkable job of facilitating bulk food to us for a few decades, however I can't imagine too many cabbages or lettuces fell over or went down cracks in the ground, so the food supply itself must surely still be there.

What this sign is pointing to I think (and I'm open to other views), is the vulnerability of a system where we take ourselves to central distribution points (big box stores), to get our daily bread, and fruit and veges and milk...

I saw this happen on Waiheke about a year ago, when the Supermarket was damaged by fire and closed for a few days.

It was a great opportunity to see where else we could buy or find food, and it highlighted our heavy dependence on a single system.

It's time to rebuild, but this time let's build it differently.

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