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Designers for a resilient future converge on Turangi..

The 11th Australasian Permaculture Convergence, April 11 – 15th, will see more than 500 people involved in planning, designing and creating a resilient future. With peak oil, climate change and an unsustainable monetary system impacting us from all directions this event comes at a time when we need it most.
An incredible array of speakers will facilitate interactive workshops on the many different ways to transform natural and human environments into healthy connected and sustainable landscapes.
Co-founder of Permaculture Bill Mollison will be emphasizing the imperative to address the economic dimensions of our global crisis, saying “...it's no good any longer just being an organic gardener or farmer, we have to be effective financial and political units. We have to become bankers just as we have had to become seed savers”
Living Economies will hold forums on community currencies as potent pathways to transform local economies, covering Timebanks. Local Exchange Trading Systems, Food Sharing Collectives, Savings Pools, Business to Business vouchers and The Power of Cooperatives.
International guest speaker Charles Eisenstein, author of “Sacred Economics, Money Gift and Society in the Age of Transition” will look at the deeper cultural and institutional origins of dysfunctions of modern society and potential solutions.
Nicole Foss, co-editor of The Automatic Earth, integrates finance, energy, environment, psychology, population and real politik in order to explain why we find ourselves in a state of crisis and what we can do about it.
Sakawa Toru founder of Tokyo's Ureshipa Farm will be discussing the permaculture response to recent disasters in Japan.The convergence presents a timely opportunity for local and regional Councils, Transition Towngroups, local currency promoters, community organisations and permaculture practitioners fromAustralia and New Zealand to consider all options in meeting the critical imperatives of our time.
For more information visit www.apc11.co.nz
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