Arty's blog

Useful reference info for transition - content request

The Sustainable Living Education Trust will be re-designing its content in 2011 to make more information available  on the website at and also providing gateways to the information plus neighbourhood study groups and classes via pages for each participating council area. We invite suggestions from TT participants across New Zealand on what info resources would be most useful, to test against those we have and are planning. To discuss call Rhys on 021 462 260 or email from the SL website.

Addington Coffee Co-Op cafe hosts Sustainable Living sessions

The cooperative-run cafe in Lincoln Road, Christchurch will host Sustainable Living sessions in November 2010 from 7.30pm Weds 10th.  Just turn up, with $5 (includes a cuppa) for the first session, which is mostly on backyard gardening for food,  and help choose the topics for three following sessions whilst you are there. Options include eco-building and energy efficiency, shopping and waste minimisation, travel choices for lower-carbon lifestyles, water impacts and conservation, and community resilience. » Read more

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