
NZ Government is Anti-Resilience

I don't believe the government has any intention of taking steps to build resilience or even to take steps to create the conditions for communities to create resilience for themselves. I believe the government are actively hostile to the concept of community resilience. I believe a government of the left would equally be hostile to community resilience but they would use bureaucratic rather than economic means to undermine resilience. » Read more

Government consulting on energy policy

Hon Gerry Brownlee 
Minister of Energy and Resources

22 July 2010

Media Statement

Government consulting on energy policy

Energy and Resources Minister Gerry Brownlee today released a Draft New Zealand Energy Strategy (NZES) and Draft New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy (NZEECS) for public consultation.

The strategies have been updated to align with current government energy policy priorities and to reflect a stronger focus on economic development.

“The NZES sets the strategic direction for the energy sector and the role energy will play in the New Zealand economy.  The government’s vision is for the energy sector to maximise its contribution to the economy,” Mr Brownlee said.

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Update on 'Kiwis for 350' petition

Hi all

We now have about 1,000 signed hard copies of the petition from Dunedin area alone, and Nick Smith still may receive it - if not, we have other MPs who will.

This petition is all about setting a meaningful goal, and then working together to reach it. So it's about setting the direction and the principles (using science and partnership), not the actual methods which will be many, varied and highly creative! » Read more

Rimu's picture

If I were at the jobs summit...

I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the complete failure of imagination being demonstrated by the ideas coming out of the jobs summit currently underway. But I am.

Here are some ways the government could provide 'stimulus' to the 'economy', which would actually result in an accumulation of social and ecological capital, rather than long term debt and wasteful boondoggles » Read more

Less than a month until "Internet cut off by accusation" regime comes into effect.

A copyright law change which allows for internet users to be cut off with little recourse comes into force on the 28th of February.  ISPs will be required to cut off subscribers who are accused of repeat copyright infringement, yet the accusor doesn't need to present any evidence and there is no penalty for the accusor if the accusation is false. » Read more

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