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Return to Aotearoa: Writer / Naturalist / Retreat Center Leader / Permaculture Landscape Designer seeks Nature Sanctuary

Kia ora!

It seems strange to write this as a blog, yet makes sense in many ways.

I am seeking a lovely, peaceful home sanctuary that I can housesit, caretake, manage or oversee for a family, a couple or an individual. I am a peaceful, gentle soul with abundant vitality for co-creating sacred sanctuary retreats, either as part of an eco-village, or transition town community. » Read more

Update on 'Kiwis for 350' petition

Hi all

We now have about 1,000 signed hard copies of the petition from Dunedin area alone, and Nick Smith still may receive it - if not, we have other MPs who will.

This petition is all about setting a meaningful goal, and then working together to reach it. So it's about setting the direction and the principles (using science and partnership), not the actual methods which will be many, varied and highly creative! » Read more

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