Passing Go

There are opportunities all the time, to make choices about the kind of future we cocreate, and the residents of the Auckland region (in it’s biggest geographical sense), have been presented with a big one. Those promoting the move to centralise control over the resources of this land, are making a bold move, and waiting to see how the people respond. And I humbly suggest that, respond we should. But please, not in opposition. Everyone is entitled to their particular point of view, in fact how could it be otherwise – we are each a product of evolution, both in the biggest scale sense of time, and in the scale of the brief life we remember.

And it seems that this proposal to centralise control further (no matter the pretext) has been a catalyst for an awakening of consciousness, that I am sure is supported by the fact that we have been privileged to witness the effects, these kinds of policies have had in other countries before us. I see people responding in ever greater numbers, and coming together to cooperate and collaborate on building a future which has the well-being of all children and all their children’s children – firmly in their sights – and that allows me to be brave. is one of the latest offerings in a long list of public meetings around Auckland, and gatherings by people from all over our complex society. People are aware of the dramatic changes that could ensue, if those with decision making power within the new super city council, use some of the legislative powers they will be granted.

There is really nothing much more to be said, except to ask: what are the most effective forms of collaboration we could engage in today?

I’m looking forward to the many conversations I am sure will take place in Nelson over the next few days, at The Natural Step gathering, the screening of “In Transition”, the pot luck dinner on Friday night in Motueka, and seeing friends at the Riverside community on Saturday.