Scaling back this web site

  • This web site has grown old, both in terms of it's content and the underlying software that makes it tick. Significant work is now required to keep that software secure and operational, which TTNZ does not have the resources to undertake.
  • There is no national-level coordination of Transition Towns groups.
  • Only a few local groups are still active in New Zealand.

Therefore, this web site will soon become radically simplified - just a single page with links to the web sites or social media presence of whichever TT groups exist.

If there is content on this web site that you wish to have access to in the future, save it now. The date for the simplification will be 30th of October 2018.

Please post links to your local group's web or social presence in the comments below or email them to me, so they can be added to the list on the home page of the simplified web site. You may also want to 'like' the TTNZ Facebook page.

Thank you.