Brooklyn Transition Town invites you to an evening with WITS!

Brooklyn Transition Town invites you to an evening with WITS!

Wellington Independent Trading Scheme is a Community Exchange Systems.

CES's are community based networks of sharing which encourage mutual aid, reciprocation, self reliance, local production and community planning by providing a means of exchanging goods and services for the meeting of needs, community revitalisation, resilience and re-localisation.

These schemes encourage people to work together, barter and use community currency systems for the benefit of the members of the scheme and the enrichment of their community.

Pamela and Linnea from WITS will explain how the scheme works here in Wellington, how we can get involved and how such schemes support the Transition Town movement by keeping wealth local and supporting local business.

Time:   7pm - 8:30pm
Date:   24th March 2010
Venue: Brooklyn Community Centre, Harrision Street, Brooklyn
Cost:   Koha - Tea and coffee provided.

Location / Venue: 
Brooklyn Transition Town invites you to an evening with WITS!