Wellington Inventory

This is where we will list all resources that we have in the Wellington area. It may be better to have suburb based resource pages, but let's start with this and see how we go.

Films and Books

Juanita has many DVD's she is happy to lend out, just email her.

Nicola's book and DVD library

Patrick has some DVDs to loan. See the LendingLibrary page for details.

Film Showing - The Roadshow Crew

If you have already shown a film or two to neighbors and friends and you want to widen your audience and maybe use your local community centre, we have a crew to help! Our Roadshow Crew can help you out by providing any/all of the following:

  • a projector and screen
  • a speaker - someone willing to introduce the film and perhaps take questions/initiate a discussion afterwards (or coach you on how to do it yourself)
  • advice on how it's been done by others
  • general support if you need it (let us know what would help)

This is intended as a jump start - it would be great to have at least one person in each suburb that could do the speaker role.





Paul Kennett can provide practical advice on home insulation, including; cheap wall insulation and cheap rain water tanks (200-2000 litres).


The Kitchen Garden in Ohariu Valley offers both a vegie box and a half day organic gardening courses.


The Waste Exchange - register yourself and you can pick up free waste such as vegie scraps, coffee bean husks, large plastic drums....all over NZ not just Wellington even!

Trash Palace - This is located at Spicers Landfill in Porirua. You can save yourself the tip fee by dropping off re-usable "trash" or shop amongst the "treasures". One thing I love is the inside drums from old washing machines - they make great large planters and they are only $10 each!

Second Treasure - Located in Happy Valley, this is another great way to shop. Free drop off and cheap prices. Not as much demolition material as Trash Palace, but still many bargins to be had and closer for many Wellingtonians.

Wellington Free cycle is an email group for offering and taking all sorts of free "stuff" locally. Bookshelves, sets of magazines, dog kennels, bikes, plants seem to change hands really rapidly. You can offer or request items.