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Bio regional alternative currencies get together - Wellington
You are all invited to an afternoon of discussion about permaculture and transition activity in our bioregion, and a workshop on the possibilities for alternative trade, exchange, and savings, with Gary Williams, Bryan Innes, and other guests (to be confirmed).
Come along on at 2pm, Sat May 28, to the community hall at Innermost Gardens, Mt Victoria, next to the Victoria Bowling Club:
Proposed program:
Bioregion hui
2:00pm: Arrival - cuppa and chat
2:30: Bioregional round. A mihi and feedback on what people have been up to, and what's coming up
3:30: Afternoon tea
Alternative economics workshop
4pm Speakers
* Gary Williams on the structural flaws in the current economic system
* Bryan Innes on the Genuine Wealth System, and his experience with how they work
* hopefully speakers from some of the time banking/ green dollar groups in the bioregion
5: Questions and discussion
Wind down
6: Pot luck meal, bring a dish to share
7:30 Upbeat inspiring film for those interested in staying on.
Please bring koha for hall hire and nibbles, a contribution for the pot luck, and maybe a cushion.
Thanks to the Innermost and South Karori crews who are helping to bring this event to emergence.
Location / Venue:
Community hall at Innermost Gardens, Mt Victoria, next to the Victoria Bowling Club, Lawson Lane, Mt Victoria, Wellington.
Update on Lower NI bioregion hui this sat
Téná koutou katoa
You are all invited to an afternoon of discussion about permaculture
and transition activity in our bioregion, and a workshop on the
possibilities for alternative trade, exchange, and savings, with Gary
Come along on at 2pm, Sat May 28, to the community hall at Innermost Gardens, at the top of Elisabeth St, Mt Victoria. Innermost can also
be accessed from Pirie St, via the Victoria Bowling Club:
Proposed program:
Bioregion hui
2:00pm: Arrival - cuppa and chat
2:30: Bioregional round. A mihi and feedback on what people have been
up to, and what's coming up
3:30: Afternoon tea
Alternative economics workshop
4pm Speakers
* Gary Williams on the structural flaws in the current economic system
* Gary will also talk about Bryan Innes work with the Genuine Wealth System (Bryan is unable to be with us on the day)
5: Questions and discussion
Wind down
6: Pot luck meal, bring a dish to share
7:30 Upbeat inspiring film for those interested in staying on: A Farm For the Future