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There are transition town groups in: Brooklyn, Hataitai, Johnsonville, Karori, Lower Hutt, Ngaio, Upper Hutt, Wadestown, and Wellington South.
There is a regional Wellington Transition Town steering committee, but it mostly serves as a networking and sharing of experience hub, rather than attempting to dictate actions or processes to local groups.
Background on Wellington Initiatives
We had our first Transition Towns of Wellington meeting in November 2007. We felt that because Wellington is a reasonably large area, it makes sense to create Transition Initiatives by suburb or suburb groups initially. However, we still need to network regularly as a whole to meet, share experiences and do some planning towards Transition Town Wellington!
Since that first Wellington meeting, Transition Initiatives have been popping up all over Wellington - the response has been amazing! So many capable people are stepping up to bring this movement to their local communities. Change is in the air...
Join the Wellington Email Group
Criteria for 'official' TT status
Cultivating Sustainability - Behaviour Change Training for Sustainability Advocates
Submitted by timc on 21 July 2009 - 10:42pm | EventCultivating Sustainability is a 1-day workshop which provides sustainability advocates with insights, models and tools to trigger the psychological drivers of sustainable behaviour. This workshop will assist you to
* Identify what people need in order to embrace sustainability
* Target your efforts and resources to the points of most leverage
* Incorporate psychological principles to your sustainability programs » Read more
Location / Venue:
Newtown Community Centre
The Great Brooklyn Frock Swap - IS NOW FULL
Submitted by Belinda on 13 June 2009 - 5:25pm | updated 16 Jul 2009 | EventWe are now up to 100 registrations so are sadly unable to take any more.
Looking forward to a great night.
Please pass this information on to your friends and lets make a really fun evening of it. It would be great to see you there.
Reasons to Attend
Revive Your Style
Revamp your wardrobe with something new. Your life changes, your body changes, your style evolves, let go of stuff getting in the way of you looking your best.
Feng shui your closet » Read more
Location / Venue:
Brooklyn Community Centre, Harrison Street
Wellington Film Launch - Earth Whisperer | Papatuanuku
Submitted by jintymact on 28 May 2009 - 9:21pm | EventHaere Mai, Welcome
You are warmly invited to attend the Wellington Launch of the full length feature documentary Earth Whisperers | Paptuanuku.
Filmed at spectacular locations around New Zealand, the inspiring and captivating new film from acclaimed Christchurch director Katheleen Gallagher is a number eight wire / New Zealand response to Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth.
Launched by Nicky Hager, with guests Craig Potton, environmentalist; Jim Kebble, Commonsense Organics; and Kathleen Gallagher, filmmaker.
Tickets $14.50/$12.50/$10.50/$9 » Read more
Location / Venue:
Paramount Theatre, 25 Courtney Plc., Wellington
Film Night: Transition Towns - Planning for a Low Energy Future - Johnsonville
Submitted by NicolaRankin on 1 July 2008 - 6:58pm | updated 28 May 2009 | EventTransition Johnsonville will be screening Jo Duff's Transition Towns presentation - Planning for a Low Energy Future at Room 4 of the Johnsonville Community Centre, 3 Frankmoor Ave, Johnsonville. Discussion afterwards. Everyone welcom irrespective of which area you are from!
Public meeting minutes
updated 28 May 20095/5/08 at the Castle, 327 Willis St.
Agenda: 1.Steering Group report 2.Name 3.Logo 4.Formalising 5.Reconnect debrief 6.World Environment Day 7.Film Screening(s) 8.The Great Unleashing 9.Library 10.Ideas of actions 11.Announcements 12.Events
1.Steering Group Minutes to be posted on the website and emailed to group » Read more
Steering Group Minutes
updated 28 May 2009Te Aro (TARO)/ Wellington Central Transition Towns Steering Group Meeting.
16th of April 08’ @ The Lido Cafe
Present: • Simon • Anne • Alison • Stuart • Andrew (need to get everyone’s last names)
Agenda: 1. Who are we, what do we do, what have we done and what do we want to do? 2. Synergies 3. Announcements 4. Alison – Report
Proceedings 1. Who are we, what do we do, what have we done and what do we want to do? » Read more
350 Aotearoa Bill McKibben Tour 2009 - WELLINGTON
Submitted by jintymact on 14 April 2009 - 1:31pm | EventStraight from the coal-face of international climate activism and negotiations, Professor Bill McKibben (author, educator, environmentalist) is visiting New Zealand on a whirlwind tour - catch him while you can!
McKibben will be giving this public address in Wellington, hosted by Victoria University's School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences. FREE ENTRY - all welcome. » Read more
Location / Venue:
Lecture Theatre 2, Rutherford House, Victoria University of Wellington

Wellington South public meeting
Submitted by Rimu on 23 February 2009 - 9:20am | updated 23 Feb 2009 | EventThis public meeting is a chance to:
- re-group and look forward for the year with a plan of next meetings etc;
- for the Food Group to give a run down on where things are at. (You will probably be aware, funding has been lost for this and we need to make some decisions about the orchard's progression);
- to seek volunteers to "man/woman" the Newtown stall
Location / Venue:
Newtown Community Centre
updated 10 Feb 2009Transition Town Beginnings
Karori Transition Towns is on the ground and running. Beginning afresh in 2009, we are a small, enthusiastic group keen to grow, learn and get moving. Ar our first get together, we chatted about our dream for a fun, connected community where neighbours know their neighbours, share stuff, dig in with community gardening, bring in experts and teach each other how to retrofit houses, compost, source allergy-friendly food and products, explore co-ops, share seeds, seedlings and plants, eggs... and support local businesses. » Read more
The challenge; do local Wellington actions make an impact on global crises?
Submitted by johnrob on 16 December 2008 - 10:35am | updated 16 Dec 2008 | EventTransition Town Brooklyn Goes to the Festival
Submitted by barefootguru on 27 November 2008 - 3:08pm | updated 04 Dec 2008 | EventTransition Town Brooklyn will have a stall by the laundromat at this year's Brooklyn Festival.
Movie night! The Nuclear Comeback
Submitted by Erika Toleman on 19 November 2008 - 10:01pm | EventHi all,
Sorry for the late notice, but the Wgtn South groups is going along to the opening night of the Reel Earth Film Festival (put on by Forest and Bird) at the Paramount at 6pm, Thursday 20 November. $20 (includes free wine!). Call Paramount to book on 04 3844080.
Everyone welcome! I guess we'll be milling round upstairs just before the screening (sorry that's pretty vague, just come say hello if you think we look like TT suspects), and we'll probably go for a drink/cheap kai afterwards. Come along! » Read more
Location / Venue:
Paramount Theatre, Wellington
Film Night - The End of Suburbia
Submitted by NicolaRankin on 19 November 2008 - 6:43pm | updated 19 Nov 2008 | EventClassic film showing how important oil is. Are today's suburbs destined to become the slums of tomorrow?
Location / Venue:
Room 1, Johsonville Community Center, 3 Frankmoore Ave
Climate and Technology
Submitted by NicolaRankin on 19 November 2008 - 6:39pm | updated 19 Nov 2008 | EventHear about New Zealand's climate directly from the source, respected climate scientist Dr. David Lowe.
Location / Venue:
Room 1, Johnsonville Community Center, 3 Frankmoore Ave
Johnsonville in 2030
Submitted by NicolaRankin on 19 November 2008 - 6:46pm | EventHow do you envisage Johnsonville in the future? How do we get from there to here? Your chance to share and make change happen!
Location / Venue:
Room 1, Johnsonville Community Center, 3 Frankmoore Ave
Legislation Design Interest Group
updated 18 Nov 2008Legislation Design Interest Group
If the Transition Towns Movement is to succeed it needs a 'behaviour setting' of legislation that allows the goals of the movement to be achieved without breaking the law.
New Zealand has two different types of legislation. Originally legislation was written in the "Prescriptive'" style. » Read more

Newtown market
Submitted by Rimu on 13 November 2008 - 8:30am | updated 13 Nov 2008 | EventThere will be trucks selling produce (similar to the Victoria St market). Additional to this will be a range of stalls; a community exchange forum; food; activities for kids, and live music/performances. The aim of the market is to improve access to cheap fresh produce, and to create a space where locals can meet, buy/sell/exchange/barter/fundraise, and therefore support each other and the local economy. If the first market is successful it is likely that a regular 1/week or 1/month market will be established. » Read more
Location / Venue:
St Anne's Church Hall, bottom of Emmett St, Newtown, Wellington

Wellington South public meeting
Submitted by Rimu on 4 November 2008 - 4:47pm | updated 05 Nov 2008 | EventCome along! New people welcome. Feel free to bring nibbles, and a small koha for the room hire.
Agenda is likely to be
- Stall at upcoming newtown market?
- Orchard proposal for Nov 7th
- Pimp my ride
Location / Venue:
Newtown Community Centre on the corner of Rintoul and Colombo St

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