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Wellington South public meeting

This public meeting is a chance to:
- re-group and look forward for the year with a plan of next meetings etc;
- for the Food Group to give a run down on where things are at. (You will probably be aware, funding has been lost for this and we need to make some decisions about the orchard's progression);
- to seek volunteers to "man/woman" the Newtown stall
Location / Venue:
Newtown Community Centre
economic policies for the 21st century
What change is called for to meet the many global crises of our age? Can free enterprise adapt to a stable conserver society?
We are passing the mid-point of a global overshoot-and-collapse process, which will transform life on earth. Our civilization is moving from the recovery and growth of 1960 through overproduction, the end of the oil age and climate change to food shortages and social breakdown. Population is due to triple from 3 billion in 2060 to 9 billion in 2040, and to then collapse in a hell of starvation and disruption.
In the 1970s members of all major political parties were realising the potential catastrophe and the need for adjustment. The Values Party was formed, I took part in lively debate in the Labour Party and the National Government set up the Commission for the Future and the Planning Council. We were all together in our concern. That awareness was however replaced by an insistence on denial and continuation of the very pattern that was driving towards crisis – including towards the current economic meltdown.
It is late, but we should do all we can. Our solutions will differ, with some calling for an end to growth and capitalism, and others arguing for adaptation of capitalism. The challenge goes to the heart of our political and economic systems. Let us again join together in a debate bringing all points of view to face these enormous challenges. The Island Bay World Service is making a special effort to contact activists in political parties to our next meeting where a short presentation will lead to a wide-ranging discussion.
This next meeting will be
· at 6-8pm on Monday 16 March 2009
· in the Lodge of the Southern Cross Garden Bar and Restaurant, 39 Abel Smith Street
We continue the theme of joint action in a further meeting.
We have considered these challenges long and hard, and will establish a leadership group in Wellington – a local team to face the global crisis with knowledge, understanding and realism.
That action meeting will be
· at 6-8pm on Wednesday 22nd April 2009
· in the Lodge of the Southern Cross Garden Bar and Restaurant, 39 Abel Smith Street
This is a challenge to the many activists across Wellington. We invite you to come along and join an open debate in a friendly setting. Don’t be afraid to speak out whatever your viewpoint.
Our blog is at http://www.ibws.blogspot.com/. There is a note on the global economic meltdown,