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Early bird special for NZ Soil Carbon Conference finishes!

New Zealand Soil Carbon Conference, 15-17th September, Te Papa, Wellington.
The early bird special for tickets finishes on the 1st of August, be in quick so you don't miss this fantastic opportunity. see: www.soilcarbonconference.co.nz
Keynote speakers confirmed: Dr Christine Jones and Professor Tim Flannery!!!
Come and be part of this exciting agricultural movement; which addresses the need for quality food production and environmental quality while building profitable farming businesses!
Held over three days the NZ Soil Carbon Conference will focus on the reality of climate change, the important role of carbon/humus in soil and the huge opportunities biological farming offers New Zealand.
International and national key note speakers have been secured including world renowned scientists, talented visionaries and key biological practitioners.
There is real and urgent need throughout New Zealand and the world to resolve two seemingly opposing goals; one for continued economics and one for environmental health.
Humankind is now entering a new era, across every field of human endeavor. The challenge to agriculture and science is to start acting with a future focused view to a world that is rapidly changing.
This conference has been designed with YOU in mind.
These 3 days will bring many great minds and innovative practitioners together; to waste such an occasion by leaving you all to sit passively and listen to other experts would truly be a sad thing indeed. This conference aims to illustrate that the experience and wisdom held by farmers is as equally as important as the findings from the scientific community.
Commonly conferences can be perceived; to have a lack of public participation, that large meetings are inefficient, waste precious time and resources, create false expectations, and are irrational and elitist, with information being directed in a one-way stream.
This conference aims to reach beyond the usual suspects such as the ‘silent majority’ and to involve a diverse cross-section of participants to truly participate.
With this in mind the conference has interactive segments, where you can record your own feedback, questions, experiences and goals using a variety of mediums to suit your needs.
These reflections will then be pulled together to help form a strategic plan forward for agriculture.
Location / Venue:
Te Papa, Wellington
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