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Lower north island bioregion - permaculture hui

Kia ora koutou
This is an invitation to participate in two networking tools for folks in the lower north island bioregion with an interest in permaculture.
Firstly, I'd like to invite you to join the new email list, by sending a blank email, with the word 'subscribe' as the subject, to (permaculture-lower-north-island@lists.coactivate.org). If you have any hassles with this, please email (permaculture-lower-north-island-manager@lists.coactivate.org) and the admin will subscribe you manually. I will be sending any future email about local permaculture events to this list, rather than using blocks of email addresses, which can be trickier to unsubscribe from ;)
Secondly, I'd like to invite you all to my home in South Karori, for a bioregional networking hui and shared meal on Sat 8 May. Our place is at the end of South Karori Rd, past the end of the suburbs, and the Makara Park mountain bike area. We don't have a letter-box, but I will make sure there is a sign on the roadside, directing you to the house. Phone number at the house is (04) 4764 248.
Proposed program:
1pm Arrivals, cuppas and catch-ups
2pm Hui begins - plan how we want to use the day
2:30pm session 1
4pm afternoon tea break
4:30pm session 2
6pm Hui ends, pot-luck dinner (please bring some food and drink to share)
Any questions or hassles? Contact Danyl Strype
Please feel free to pass this invitation on to folks who you think will be interested in joining the list, or attending the hui.
Nau mai, haere mai
Danyl Strype
subscibe not working
neither of the addresses work.
Kia ora
I've fixed the addresses in the text above. Thanks for pointing this out.
Nake noa