
What does Wellington wish for in 2010?

Transition Town Brooklyn along with several other Wellingtonian TT movements hosted a stall at the annual Green Party Picnic for the Planet event on Sunday 24th January 2010.

We asked people to add their wishes for 2010 for the environment and/or their local community to our 'Wishing Line'. And here they are.....!

"I wish everyone would think peace and do peace"

"Every bit helps!

First public meeting for 2010: Embracing Change

350 Day and The 100 Metre Line

Today I have opened an information-blog called The 100 Metre Line.

This blog is to promote a concept that can provide an effective action for Transition Towners and others wishing to support 350 Day on 24 October 2009. See: http://www.350.org/.


http://the100metreline.blogspot.com/ » Read more

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