350 Day and The 100 Metre Line

Today I have opened an information-blog called The 100 Metre Line.

This blog is to promote a concept that can provide an effective action for Transition Towners and others wishing to support 350 Day on 24 October 2009. See: http://www.350.org/.



The 100 Metre Line provides information and an action plan to support national actions during 350 Day. The idea is that people concerned about the effects of climate change (including sea level rise) can present a unified view of the eventual extent of sea level rise to the general public by following a simple action plan.

The blog front page provides an outline of the action plan and supporting information relating to dates and estimated sea levels. The blog is moderated to ensure only relevant posts are published.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Nigel Williams, Auckland. http://the100metreline.blogspot.com/