A Weekend of Events - “Currency, Crisis, and Community Resilience”

Friday 14th   November,    8pm      “ Currency,  Crisis,  and Community Resilience, or Why there is never enough money “


A public  talk  by Christoph Hensch, Christchurch,  former Swiss  banker, Complementary Currency practitioner and  a Trustee of  the  Living  Economies Trust (NZ)  


                       Venue :   St Johns  Ambulance   Hall, Motueka  Hospital Grounds, 

                                       15a  Courtney Street,  MOTUEKA   



                        Cost : Koha



Saturday  15th  November  9am – 4pm   “Economics As If All Life Mattered”

                                                     - a workshop led  by Christoph Hensch



An  exploration of the role of  money,  alternatives  to the current          financial  monoculture,  and  the  design of  complementary  currencies  to build community resilience in the face of global  financial  disorder.


Venue : Community House, Decks Reserve  Carpark , Wallace Street ,



                        Cost    $ 15-20  waged  ;    Unwaged  $10,  or  by negotiation.


                        Tea and  coffee provided. Bring your  lunch.



Enquiries/Workshop Registration: Ron Sharp (03) 5286483 or  ronsharp@slingshot.co.nz