TT Motueka Update, 2010 Feb.17

Hello TTMers.   1.The main centre of TTM activity at the moment is in the Currency Working Group. Yesterday this group held a potluck lunch to welcome old and new members of the Motueka alternative currency trading circle. This was a delightful occasion at the Motueka Community Centre. Members had a chance to describe what they had on offer to trade. Did you know that as well as produce (plums, eggs, vegetables and so on), you can get pain relief treatments from a pain specialist and Warrant of Fitness examinations at Parkes Auto? You need to be a member of TALENTS, of course, and new members are most welcome. See me,  Lynda, Ron, Cheryl or Greg to accomplish this. Yesterday, I sold some of my free-range eggs, and bought a big flax basket, some superior plums and a wisteria plant.   For the next several weeks, you'll have an even better chance to see how the system works and what you can trade at a TALENTS stall at the Farmers' Market in Motueka on Sunday mornings. Please visit us there.   2. The Climate Change ad hoc group met last month to consider how to act effectively in the aftermath of the failed Copenhagen climate meeting. Several tracks are being followed up as a result of this meeting - the possibility of studies on what a Steady State Economy for New Zealand would look like, and the potential for carbon sequestration in larger-scale farming conversion to organic and biodynamic methods.   There are several events, actions and offerings to let you know about. Here they are:   Hi JoannaThat's it for now, dear people, The Motueka Branch of the Green Party is organising an awareness building and fundraising "Green Lifestyles Tour" on March 14th 2010. The tour will be held over four amazing lifestyle properties at Ngatimoti 15 minutes drive from Motueka. Ticket prices are $25 and this includes a Devonshire tea and a four hour tour of the properties with host of each property explaining in depth how they have developed their land as well as being available for Q+A. Tickets are available from the Organic Green Grocer in Nelson, Litter arty in Nelson, Bay Nurseries in Richmond and Arcadia Organics in Motueka. Some of the highlights include: organic gardens, orchards and animals, self built energy efficient housing made from adobe, straw/clay, wood and recycled materials, woodlots and forestry blocks, home based businesses, alternative energy, composting toilets and more (including an awesome outdoor bath area!). I have attached a PDF of our brochure and more information (including photos of the properties) is also available at If possible would you be able to send this out to your Transition Town Motueka network please? We are trying to market this as widely as possible as these are fabulous properties that are rarely available for the public to see. Yours, Paula Short Motueka Greens Branch Convenor
