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Waiheke CSA initiative
CSA Meeting – 20 November 2008
Present: Sue Connor, Meriel Watts, Jennifer Fountain, Debbi Lyttle, Marta Fisch, Brian Griffiths, Paul Gilligan, Ken Clarke, Pete and kath Russel, james Samuel
Agenda Item 1: Advertisement for farmer
- Debbie has thoroughly scoped the field and placed ads in several appropriate publications. See Debbie or Marta for complete list. Marta is funding the ads.
- Debbie offered to write an article on our intentions, with Jennifer’s help, to augment publicity.
- Subcommittee formed to vet applicants and respond to queries: Debbie, Meriel and Pete.
Item 2: Land search
- 5.8 hectares at Te matuku Bay- Meriel to contact owners and lloyd and Roz, who own adjacent land. Pete will contact Benoit and Bridget about their land.
- Jennifer will research other land on Waiheke and coalesce information gathered from this group. Will approach potential donors.
- Brian will contact Rob Fenwick, Bruce Blested (Pie melon bay) and Joelene priest (real estate agent).
Item 3: Operational and legal structures
- Some choices: Charitable trust or not-for-profit company
- Subcommittee: Sue, Meriel, Brian (and hopefully Eleanor!)
- It was suggested that we gather to watch the DVD, The Dirt on Farmer Brown to stimulate discussion about possible frameworks/models to use. Brian will contact Lynne about booking the cinema; Jennifer will work on publicity; James will supply email addresses of those expressing interest in CSAs.
Item 4: Fruit Trees – Ken
- 2 years until trees are “up to scratch” (does anyone have cats they can volunteer?).
- Communication needs to be improved to increase volunteer pool
Item 5: Pumpkin Patch – Ken and Paul
- Wide discussion ensued. Suggested that a subcommittee be formed.
Respectfully submitted by Marta Fisch
Please contact me if I have made any errors and please forward to anyone I’ve missed.
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