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updated 05 Sep 2012
John Kenderdine will remain the main contact person for TTK. john<at>cleangreenmachine.co.nz (replace <at> with @).
General website enquiries should go to Gary Little garyasta<at>farmside.co.nz (replace <at> with @).
Next meeting Friday 14th September, 2012, 17:30, at REAP, 33 Puckey Ave, Kaitaia.
Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
10th August 2012
Welcome by chairperson
Apologies: Catherine Davis, Evan Ward, Mary Watkins, Gary Butt and Mike Finlayson.
Present: John Kenderdine, Rebecca Ranum, Rongo Bentson, Asta Wistrand, Gary Little, Lynda McGrory-Ward, Pat Davis, Nancy Peterson and Dale Currie.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Gary/Nancy proposed that the minutes be accepted. Passed unanimously.
Matters Arising out of minutes
1. Strategic Plan- Gill not present. Following some discussion it was observed that some projects (including this one) are flagging because the members driving them are over-committed. It was generally agreed that where there is no report on a project that instead of carrying it over, it is dropped from the agenda and put on a Maybe Sometime (MS) list, to be left open to be taken up at a later date - maybe. Strategic plan has been put on the MS list.
2. Publicity on radio, TV and in films. Rongo not continuing with his show. Is considered that Sunshine has a broader listener base and to approach Paul Andrews. John will follow this up.
3. Catalogue of films: Ask Lorna what she wants done.
4. Film evenings at Te Ahu Centre and promotion of our screenings. There is a “Top Documentary” website. John says we need documentaries that get the message across without scaring the audience and to suit REAPs purposes. We can afford to be more ‘risqué’ for TTK meeting evening films.
Rebecca/Rongo proposed that the next film at is “Home” next month’s meeting. Passed.
5. TTK general email-list survey. Not done yet. The secretary is currently awaiting responses from the committee as to questions to be used in the survey. Put on MS list.
6. A register of members – Application forms to be printed off and brought to meetings to be filled in.
7. Fact Sheet progress. Nancy’s List of topics discussion. Articles attached to agenda. Put on MS list? Gary will publish a few (4-6) each month in the newsletter.
8. Parkdale Crescent experience invited speakers; Lisa and Callie. Just a matter of getting them to the meeting. MS list.
9. Discussion regarding use of Gmail account and Cloud (Sugarsync) and Facebook.
1) That Gmail doesn’t offer the services we require, so we work around that by keeping John updated with changes to the executive Gmail email list. John to look into the Bay of Islands TT method of using mailing lists and communication.
2) That cloud be primarily a data storage tool. We need to have enough people with access to it to retrieve files etc if the secretary’s computer is compromised or that the secretary is unable to continue to have TTK files available.
3) Our Facebook page is a closed page and not able to be updated, etc. by committee members. Rongo is talking to Catherine about changing this set up.
10. Saturday Kaitaia Market fund-raising stall. On MS list.
1. An updated version of the constitution has now been signed and will be sent to the incorporated societies department.
2. Kia ora Gary,
Please pass on my apologies (will be in my Ngāti Kuri Trust Board monthly meeting).
However, just a heads up (if it's of interest to TTK), that a colleague (Rachel) and I am liaising with Dave Jordan who has a hemp farm down in the Waikato. Our intention is to start up a hemp farm in Te Hiku somewhere, ideally in the Te Rarawa area. Rachel potentially has access to some philanthropic Funders with humanitarian interests, but of course the conversations are only in the relationship-building/ concept exploration stages at the moment. Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa isn’t a party to this dialogue (I did raise it with my Rūnanga months ago, but they are [and understandably] so tied up with getting the Deed of Settlement over the line, setting up the NEW Rūnanga Governance Entity [as per Crown post-settlement requirements] and a flurry of Waitangi Tribunal claims, including the Water Rights one which is of National significance for protecting water security for all New Zealanders, that they haven’t got the spare capacity to devote to an asset investment project like this yet). But in my mind's eye, I can see all iwi Authorities of the district getting in behind such a project and expanding it to a large scale venture with socio-economic benefits for the wider community and local economy. The trick, I think (and I've also informally been chatting with Mike Finlayson on this who is helping to generate some useful ideas), will be to get a small(ish) sized successful hemp farm operating locally (like a pilot) that can showcase the product and all the benefits associated with its production and use. We just need to get clear in our minds the pathway forward.
Happy to receive any thoughts TTK may have, and I'll stay in touch with updates. J
Have a great hui Friday!
Noho ora mai,
3. Kia ora Gary
What is Team Kaitaia? It’s a new business tool, used to assist with keeping organisations / businesses connected with the community around them.
Registered with the NZ Communities office 02APR2012.
Team Kaitaia is not a newspaper with distribution figures, it is a communication information tool and growing fast, benefiting it’s paid subscribed businesses and their staff. That’s directly to hardworking people in our communities who are working and getting on with enjoying where we live, work and play.
Team Kaitaia is an e-network subscription company, simply meaning e-electronic direct to it’s paid subscribers to the company. No mail drops, a company subscribes to the network and recieves a weekly update to a key admin person in their organisation and they forward this directly on to all their internal staff accounts, print a copy for the staff room table and for management / team planning meetings etc; having about 3 months of feed information to assist with quarterly planning.
For you, that’s not walking pass posters on the street, flyers under your windscreen, reading the local papers, shifting through a stack of emails on forwarded email loops, listening to the radio for hours, we do it all and simply email you once a week with all the info, also using our unique planning formula to ensure we are on the mark with being up to date!
Should you have any questions please contact myself direct on the below details
Kind regards
Daniel Taylor | Team Kaitaia
Networking Far North Communities
M: 021 264 9198 | PO Box 445, KAITAIA 0441 | E: teamkaitaia@xtra.co.nz
Lynda has some experience with Team Kaitaia through DoC. Could be useful for us. She will get information to Gary who will flick it out to the committee.
Treasurer's report : Rebecca presented two months accounts (no meeting last month)
Currently $145.00 in bank. Rebecca/John proposed that the reports be accepted. Passed.
Rebecca recruiting time bank members and will be taking time out of her paid employment to work on time bank business, will also have a presence at the Saturday market until Labour weekend and beyond if successful. Still looking for working group. Congratulations and thanks were expressed to Rebecca by the meeting.
Applications for TTK Membership:- The following Membership Applications have been accepted; Asta Wistrand, Nancy Peterson, Mary Watkins, Gary Butt, Gary Little, Gill Minogue, Roger Gale, Rebecca Ranum, Rongo Bentson, Lynda McGrory Ward, Evan Ward, Gavin & Rosanne Taylor and Pat Davis.
New Business
• Membership fee. Send out an email that the suggested membership koha of $5.00 due beginning of our financial year. (July)
• Dale talked about his experience of Transition Towns in Sydney.
• Election to the Executive: Dale Currie and Pat Davis were voted onto the Steering group executive (Gary Little/John Kenderdine)
• Date of next meeting: 14th September 2012.
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