Wellington Steering Group Minutes 20080117

Present: Juanita, Nicola, Stu, Natalie, Gary, Belinda

Appologies: Paul, Celia

Regular meetings

It was agreed that we would hold steering group meetings on the 2nd monday of every month 6pm at Trax. Nicola to add to calendar

It was agreed that public meetings would be every 2 months (last wednesday of the month) 6pm at Centre for Global Action in the James Smith building as this offers a large room that will fit 100 people if necessary. This will cost $70 for 2 hours but we felt that we really needed the flexibility of the larger venue and given that $45 was raised by koha at the last meeting with only 20 people, $70 is unlikely to be a problem. Nicola to add to calendar and confirm venue bookings

Steering group roles

It was agreed that we would rotate the roles of Chair and Minute Taker: ie if you are the minute taker one week you will be the Chair the next week. This is because the Minute Taker will email the group with the minutes and this is a good oportunity to start gathering the agenda for the next meeting.

Updates from Suburbs

Items for Nicola to report on at the workshop at the Organic River Festival include:

Brooklyn: Belinda advised that Brooklyn will have it's first meeting on the 20th Feb. Also, the Greens are screening the 11th Hour at the cinema in Brookly and the Brookly TT group have a slot to speak at that.

Naenae: Stu advised that he is trying to contact the person in the local council that is supporting the Naenae community gardens to see if TT can get involved.

Publicity person

We discussed whether we need a specific role for publicity and decided that at this point we are all in that role, but that as we start doing larger events we may need to review that.

First Actions

Natalie raised the fact that people find it hard to take the first step perhaps due to uncertainty as to the best way to start ie book a large venue for a film and hope lots of people turn up...or a small one and run the risk of way too many people showing up. We decided that this would be a good item for the Jan 30th meeting - both for us to share our experiences so far in starting up Wellington, but also for smaller suburb based groups to discuss if heaps of people turn up. Perhaps the suburb groups could list 3 actions that their group will undertake within say a week after the meeting.